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Is "looking" cheating

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My last girlfriend and I argued about this. She would get jealous if she thought I was giving another woman a 2nd look. I told her she's being really insecure. She believed it to be close to cheating and she would kick me in the groin whenever it happened. I can see how flirting could be seen as cheating, but not simply looking. Insecurity and possessiveness is a turn off.

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you're right, she is insecure and will have a hard time finding a guy that does not give the cute waitress a second look as she walks away. Unfortunately lots of women are like this and are always competing with each other to see who is prettier.


If your girl says you were flirting just say you were being polite

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I agree with you but i like that girl very much :love::love::love::love:


she actually would kick you in the groin whenever it happened? YAMMI:bunny::bunny:

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If she ever kicks you in the groin for real dump her on the spot because that would be abuse.


Nothing wrong with looking at all, she looks at men too im sure.

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Nothing wrong with a quick glance. Its just when you follow them home it can become a problem.

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Quick look doesn't hurt anyone, come on let's be serious.. For men a part of looking is a reflex action, sometimes involuntary. But that's because we are more visual than women (women keep saying that anyway!)..


Of course it is possible to not look at all. But it happened to me maybe twice. I was so into the woman I was with at that time that my brain just locked and that was it. You can't just keep saying to yourself "don't look, don't look".. I understand if you were looking for eye contact, smiles and all sorts of stuff.. (although it would still not explain kicking haha) but if you do it occasionally, just like everyone else - she should probably look at herself to try to make you look at her all the time, instead of blaming and kicking..

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if you are with her and are noticeably looking at other women consistently, I would think anyone would have the impression you really weren't in to them if youre head is swiveling each time a girl walks by. It also depends on how you are looking. If you do a whole head turn, continue staring at or gawking or are like a dog with his tongue out, then I wouldn't blame her for saying something.


Its common courtesy sure, but usually, when one is in to someone else, whether dating or in a relationship, their eyes barely wander, regardless.

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I know it's mean but I love those type of reactions. Had plenty of guys on the other side of the road looking over 'cause they thought as long as they didn't have to turn their heads their GFs wouldn't notice.

Well they did and gave me a death-gaze. :lmao: It's too funny, really.


No, but it is common courtesy to not do that when you are with a date.


That. Quick glance alright, but you don't spend 5 seconds gawking at others.

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Even if you did look, since it was right in front of her, there's no way it could be cheating since there was no deception.


Personally, I'd have a hard time feeling positive about a relationship where I was so tightly 'managed'. God help the poor man who is friendly with women other than his partner in this kind of scenario. So much for polite conversation and winking at one's spouse across the room.


Anyway, no cheating. The rest you'll have to work out with GF. Good luck!

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She would kick you in the groin?



She did, often. At least it insured I wouldn't have kids with her.

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"My last girlfriend and I argued about this"


Its good to see she's an ex....for you....but she's now some other poor sucker's micro managing, insecure, bitch gf. No its not cheating, but can be inappropriate if you are too much of a rubber neck.

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Looking is absolutely NOT cheating. Oogling another person while you are with your SO is rude but it's not cheating. Then again, I don't even think flirting is cheating & I'm not convinced that "emotional affairs" are cheating (although they are indicative of huge communications gaps that need to be addressed if the primary relationship will survive)

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My last girlfriend and I argued about this. She would get jealous if she thought I was giving another woman a 2nd look. I told her she's being really insecure. She believed it to be close to cheating and she would kick me in the groin whenever it happened. I can see how flirting could be seen as cheating, but not simply looking. Insecurity and possessiveness is a turn off.

Looking isn't cheating. You didn't magically go blind when you started seeing your last girlfriend, and you won't when you start seeing your next. Of course, it should be done tactfully and without gawking, because the woman you're with is supposed to be the centre of attention, but either way, it's not even close to cheating.


Wow, she would literally kick you in the balls if she caught you LOOKING at another woman? Sounds like a psycho. Glad you're rid of her. Physical abuse should never be accepted or permitted.

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Looking isn't cheating. If she's this jealous and controlling now, you're better off without her. And if she ever does hit or kick you, be sure to press charges - call 911 and say you're a victim of domestic violence. She'll need help if she's this out of control, and this is often a necessary step to ensuring she gets the help she needs.

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Well. If you let her kick you between the legs, then you deserve what you get.


If that happened to me, it would only happen once and she damn well better be quick about it and carry a gun because after I get both my eyes out of one socket and start breathing normal she better not be within reaching distance. Woman or no woman someones going to pay.


There's no excuse for that kind of behavior and if a look causes her that much jealousy to assault you then you better be looking for another woman. She's flat out dangerous and I wonder how she would like it if someone lock and loaded with their foot to her secret pocket.

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Its perfectly natural to 'look' at attractive women , it's all part of human nature as long as there's no intention to take it further. There's also a distinctive difference between a 'look' as in just a glance and a prolonged stare. As previous people have said , just have the curtosy not to do it when you're with your partner.

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