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Dumpee 5 Months Later

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I am at work now in my office and the thoughts of her are literally flooding my mind. Working at a job where I am doing work alone 7-8hrs a day kills me. As soon as i leave every day and on weekends I am perfectly fine and content/happy and think of her rarely. At work, everything goes down hill when I get bored of my work and I begin concentrating on her even though she doesn't deserve it.


I want to be able to work without getting distracted all the time. How can i be more productive?

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You searching for her at work has become a habit for you. You need to break the habit. if it gets to the point that you can't function at your desk, get up and take a short walk. Go to the bathroom and splash cold water on your face, get a drink, get a coffee. Talk to a co-worker about something to reset your brain.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Damn...it's past the two week mark since looking her up and now I have an urge to do so again right now. How to fight this urge and not cave in like I have done so many times before?

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Smarty Pants
Damn...it's past the two week mark since looking her up and now I have an urge to do so again right now. How to fight this urge and not cave in like I have done so many times before?


Will power. Only you can stop yourself. Posting here should tell you it's a bad idea. You know it will set you back.

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Ya got to give it time, dude. It's only been two weeks of strict no contact. That's nothing in reference of time. It's going to get worse before it gets better.



Just promise yourself that you're going to make it through the day. Start thinking about things to do tonight to keep yourself busy. And when you lay down and haven't contacted her, then pat yourself on the back. Who knows, tomorrow might be easier for you.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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It's gotten much much easier to get through the days. I still have urges, but I know if I look that I will be set back. I have looked at her pinterest account for 30 seconds twice since the last time I posted. It's not strict no contact but definitely progress.


I still feel sad and think about her everyday, but it has gotten better. Being at work in an office 8 hours a day kind of hinders my progress at times, but I'm still coping. Of course this is a semi-down moment as I am writing on LS.


On another note, I have a strong urge to be in another relationship even though I know I'm not ready. I'm still not truly happy on my own yet. Thoughts on this?

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It's gotten much much easier to get through the days. I still have urges, but I know if I look that I will be set back. I have looked at her pinterest account for 30 seconds twice since the last time I posted. It's not strict no contact but definitely progress.


I still feel sad and think about her everyday, but it has gotten better. Being at work in an office 8 hours a day kind of hinders my progress at times, but I'm still coping. Of course this is a semi-down moment as I am writing on LS.


On another note, I have a strong urge to be in another relationship even though I know I'm not ready. I'm still not truly happy on my own yet. Thoughts on this?


That is the rebound side coming out of you. This is not necessarily a healthy thing if you get involved too fast too soon.

You miss the comfort of a relationship as well as a physical relationship.


Try to spend more time with your female friends and engage in your male traits. Go shopping, switch up your style and stand out. BY becoming happy with yourself and allowing yourself to improve you will attract more females. You are more likely to attract someone you are interested in rather than thinking "damn i better go and get myself someone"


That is not the way love is found. Love is found when you are happy within yourself and you see someone that you know will compliment you and literally blows you away.


Look back at your ex's and think of the first time you met them. Did they blow you away? were you happy at that present moment? I'm sure if you really loved this person as much as you say the answer will be YES.


Be careful. Do not break any hearts. Ensure both parties are fully aware of what they are getting involved in..



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  • 1 month later...
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It has been 9 months since the breakup. 6 months since we last talked/last had sex.


I have received no form of contact from her. I still think about her on a daily basis. Someday's they are passing thoughts and other days they linger.


I am still longing for her. I've bettered myself, dated other girls and have improved my social life considerable. The chance of a reconciliation is 0% and I recognize that. But I know I still care for her regardless of everything she did to me. Idk what it is, but a part of me is stuck in the past. The bitterness I possess is overwhelming at points.


I don't know how to overcome this. With time I know it'll get better, but some days my anxiety goes through the roof and I begin to relive what happened during the break-up and falling out stages.


I'm better without her and I know that now. But I'm held back and I want the weight off of my shoulders.

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