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Ended things with non-committal man

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Was dating this guy and it was going nowhere so I ended it. Told him I'm not

Into fwb arrangements. We dated back in late winter-spring and we were

Getting close then he backs off. So basically stopped making time for me and I got excuses why he can't see me but he wanted to come over at his convenience. No.


So now he's fine with us hanging out as friends no Intercourse. But I am wondering if there's a hidden agenda. He went as far as to say that maybe we are better as friends. I don't think it's genuine I think theres a hidden agenda.

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Not sure if it's negative, just wondering what the point is. Maybe it's a genuine

Friendship since we were just friends before, but just don't see how.

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Maybe when you two were dating, he realized he did not have that kinda feelings for you and did not see a future but did not want to hurt you by ending it. So he made some excuses to not see you etc. Maybe he met someone else he is more interested in. The possibilities are endless. But he may actually like your company and the friendship.


In any case if you think his request to be friends could be genuine, you can try being friends but keep you eyes open and see if there is any hidden agenda. If there is none then, you can continue being friends. Nothing wrong with that. I am sure you know what to do if he has a hidden agenda.


I would have suggested NC and cutting all ties if you had mentioned that you have already developed strong feelings for him or if it was a case of cheating or lying. But in your case, I don't see why you cannot be friends with someone you dated and broke it off especially if you two were friends before. As long as it isn't awkward for both of you.

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If you think there is a hidden agenda, stop hanging out with him. Problem solved.


You can chose not to be his friend or his FWB

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