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Hmm, what to do? how do i know?

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first off im new here so be gentle (oo a virgin poster!! =) )


heres the situation,


I recently started a new job, when i noticed this girl, well i say girl, shes nearly 30 and im 27... but i digress.. we kind of work together, but in seperate parts of the company, but maybe 3-4 mornings a week we work closely together, i run the desk and she works the the other side... to cut a long story short, after having spoken to her on and off for some weeks and gleaning what information i can from her without being to obvious (secret squirrel stylee!) i know she has a Ex... and 2 children and this doesnt phase me at all.. i really honestly feel that we could be good for each other, she needs someone to be there for her and i need the same aswell, but how the hell do i tell if she feels the same? when we speak its ALWAYS with direct eye contact and smiles, never a cross word or scowl.. and we never lose eye contact until either a customer interrupts our conversation or it ends naturally, now i know i should be old enough to work this out myself but, i dont know im quite a shy person... how do i know if her feelings are more than just friendly? she could be a really nice eye contact person with everyone and only think of me as a friend, i hate to spoil our friendshipasking her out... would perhaps asking if she fancied a drink after work one night be appropriate? lol i sound so young, but all my other girl friends have been people ive been pen pals with so never really had the opportunity to face the embarassment of face to face rejection, its not that i fear rejection, infact more than anything i fear spoiling what is a GREAT friendship.. am i being selfish for wanting more? or should i be content with what i have.. afterall its not often i "clicked" instantly with a girl before... so it got me thinking thats all, any ideas are greatly appreciated.



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I've never been one to support an :love: 'Office Romance' :love: but if you can handle it if she rejects you then go for it.


Ask her out for lunch would be a safer bet and if you get a good reaction from her then at a later date you can ask her out for an evening drink, perhaps go out for cocktails. You need to feel her out and read her body language - don't always take what she says for granted, action always speaks louder than words.


After you get really good responses from her, well you can ask her out for dinner and let the relationship blossom.

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Originally posted by Tiger-Lily

You need to feel her out and read her body language - don't always take what she says for granted, action always speaks louder than words.


Just don't be reading her body language in brail! :p

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Yeah, try lunch. Unless it is impossible because of schedules.



In which case, then try coffee or cocktails.


Either way, she'll be flattered !

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thanks, thats a good idea, shes back on saturday with me on the morning shift so i'll try my luck with lunch.. i thought a drink after work might be a bit forward... i shallk keep you posted.


Although to be clear this isnt exactly an office environment, we work at B&Q, the british equivalent of your CostCo warehouses in the US.. i run the trade desk and she works my checkouts.. still i shall see how it goes, thanks for the advice.

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