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Quesions with computer programs to catch infidelity

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Quick question....does anyone have any experience with any kind of software that you can download on your computer that tracks keystrokes, emails, IM conversations, passwords, etc? If so, did it work? I read somewhere that these programs don't work due to the latest and greatest virus software/spyware dector programs that most of us have. Also, I found a device called KeyKatcher. It claims that it records all keystrokes on a computer but doesn't work with a software program. All the information is saved onto it (it looks like an adapter to your keyboard plug) which you access through a notepad.


If anyone can give me any information about the software they used to track possible questionable behavior on the computer, I would greatly appreciate it.

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I used SpyBuddy it works very very good and its able to hide from most adware detectors. It tracks keystrokes, screenshots, emails,IM's,websites visited, and many other things its crazy. If there doing something wrong it will nail them to the cross.


If you need it PM me. I just noticed where your from if you need anything let me know.

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I've seen the keykatcher, it plugs inbetween the keyboard and the computer so anti-spyware software can't find it.

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