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Getting use to Birth Control Pills

Ann B.

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I was just wondering if anyone could help me out with some insight/advice. I recently just started having sex and went on birth control pills immediately. I followed the directions exaclty and we also used a condom every single time. Now, I finished taking the active pills on Sunday (exactly 3 weeks after I started them) and have taken 3 "reminder" pills as well. But my period is not here yet. I understand that your period may be irregular at first, as your body is reacting to the pill. Does my situation sound normal? I am pretty confident that I have nothing to worry about seeing as we were super careful each time. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch!!



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I don;t know the answer to your question, but I do want to add that I just started the Pill, too, and I am having irregular bleeding a week after my period. So don't be worried...I mean I am no doctor, but maybe the pills are just too strong for your body, etc. there are tons of possibilities. Right before I started the pill i was 2 weeks late, but it was just my body being weird, so try not to panic! Good lucK!

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Yes, everything is normal. Do not worry :-)


You see, your system is used to the 'regular' system (withouth the pill), and thus, you got periods on a regular basis I assume, or close to.


Now that you're on the pill, your system is changing. Your period time will fluctuate. Sometimes you may get it a week earlier than expected, sometimes a week later. You may even have bleeding for two weeks at a time!


But do not worry; your body is adapting to a new pill that's changing your schedule.


If, however, after awhile you do not get your period, I would definetely see the doctor for a blood test.

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The Pill makes your menstrual cycle regular, not the other way around. And being on the Pill doesn't mean your period will come a week early one month, and a week late the next. Many women are put on the Pill to help regulate their cycle. A woman taking the pill usually has her period after taking the 2nd, 3rd or 4th inactive pill. It sure the hell isn't normal for anyone on the pill to have bleeding for 2 weeks at a time either. If that happens, the woman should see her doctor. You obviously have no real idea what youre talking about. if this girl doesn't start her period by the time she's ready to start her new pack she should see her doctor. the more she worries about possibly being pregnant the more she can delay it from happening. worrying can make it come later. if it doesn't come at all it might mean she's on too low of a dose.


Yes, everything is normal. Do not worry :-)


You see, your system is used to the 'regular' system (withouth the pill), and thus, you got periods on a regular basis I assume, or close to. Now that you're on the pill, your system is changing. Your period time will fluctuate. Sometimes you may get it a week earlier than expected, sometimes a week later. You may even have bleeding for two weeks at a time! But do not worry; your body is adapting to a new pill that's changing your schedule. If, however, after awhile you do not get your period, I would definetely see the doctor for a blood test.

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maybe someone has the same name as you but if your the one who gave this girl advice you should stick to stuff you know. 17 year old males know nothing about the menstrual cycle and all that jazz. stick to stuff you know. being wrong on a subject this serious could cause someone to get pregnant. if youre not the same person named unnamed then ignore this tho you still gave dangerously wrong advise


The Pill makes your menstrual cycle regular, not the other way around. And being on the Pill doesn't mean your period will come a week early one month, and a week late the next. Many women are put on the Pill to help regulate their cycle. A woman taking the pill usually has her period after taking the 2nd, 3rd or 4th inactive pill. It sure the hell isn't normal for anyone on the pill to have bleeding for 2 weeks at a time either. If that happens, the woman should see her doctor. You obviously have no real idea what youre talking about. if this girl doesn't start her period by the time she's ready to start her new pack she should see her doctor. the more she worries about possibly being pregnant the more she can delay it from happening. worrying can make it come later. if it doesn't come at all it might mean she's on too low of a dose.
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Thank you so much for chiming in here with your information. However, I think anyone who depends on an Internet forum for medical information about his or her specific situation over the qualified medical doctor she regularly sees is treading dangerously.


I'm glad you posted this information and I hope she checks with her doctor.

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