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How does one stay positive while living in poverty?

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when you have lived with nothing no food no shelter.....when a really bushy bush is attractive to sleep under.....you expect nothing and appreciate everything........money becomes a luxury........and you tend to share with those who have nothing because you have just a little something......deb

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when you have lived with nothing no food no shelter.....when a really bushy bush is attractive to sleep under.....you expect nothing and appreciate everything........money becomes a luxury........and you tend to share with those who have nothing because you have just a little something......deb



Thank you for this :)

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money does not buy happiness/can't buy me love/mo money mo problems.


I guess when you have nothing you learn to appreciate what you have.


However in the words of the great Daniel Tosh "Money does not buy happiness, but it does buy a waverunner. Ever try to frown on a waverunner?"

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You're thankful for what you have, and grateful because you know it could always be worse.



Not that I condone the extreme poverty in the world; it's really sad how much some have compared to how little others have (talking about extreme cases).

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As someone who lived in a very dysfunctional and poverty stricken household, I can tell you that it was VERY hard...


But I never lost hope....and I am fiercely competitive..


I watched people around me who weren't as sharp as I am do well and enjoy a more enriched life...I knew that if I just got a small break, that good things would eventually come...


In one decade I went from penniless to 7 figures...And it was never about being rich or having a lot of money...All i wanted was a full refrigerator and heat in the house...But everything fell into place..


I know it sounds cliche, but never give up...And always know that as bad as it is for you, there are people that have it a ton worse....I truly believe everyone has this inner fire, but for whatever reason they choose not to harness it...


Dont give up...Never....


I wish you well...



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I stopped my subscriptions to fashion and home decorating magazines. They had me yearning to buy things I couldn't afford, which made me unhappy.


Sometimes desperation drives creativity. You might become a successful entrepreneur doing something you love.

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