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I think I'm done going after women

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You have to go on dates, you have to spend time with them, you have to constantly reassure them that you love them.


If a woman reciprocates the same, then I see nothing wrong with this. Maybe you need to stop chasing after women that don't even give you the time of day. Just pay attention to how they treat you from the initial reaction and do the same to them. If a woman is friendly, be friendly. If a woman doesn't even acknowledge your existence, then pretend she doesn't exist.

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Women are definitely complex creatures! At times it is worth being alone and not dealing with the drama.


If it doesn't come easy then it should not come at all.




Yes, this!


I went through the same thing about 10 months ago and I swore of dating, relationships, the whole thing. What I needed to do is take the time to myself to be comfortable.....I mean really comfortable being alone. NOT lonely, but alone. To me this means that you become OK with being alone, yet not lonely. I associate lonely (and yes it still happens a little) with that yucky, empty feeling which like I said still comes (I'm human), but I have learned how to cope.


As far as the complication of woman? Well, it goes for men as well in my opinion. I have started to dip my toe back into the dating pool, but I am with the above poster (see bold). I know that a relationship will take some effort, but it shouldn't be a massive chore.

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I made a thread the other day talking about "women are hard to captivate" it should be "women are so hard to please" but it wouldn't let me type it in. I've seen my friends go through relationship after relationship and it seems like the girl always gives them some type of problem. Yeah, it's nice to have a friend you have sex with (I'm guessing that's what relationships are) but then again, it is such a pain in the neck.


You have to go on dates, you have to spend time with them, you have to constantly reassure them that you love them. Then there's the games that some people play in a relationship and the things you have to do to maintain that relationship. One of my friends said a relationship is the hardest thing he's ever done. It just makes me wonder, what's the point?


I like to live my life in an effective way and I can just see some girl getting in the way of that. Plus there's the risk of getting divorced and that's not something I want.


People will say you will be alone but you have to be content in that loneliness. You have to be really centered to deal with being alone. It's hard and not everyone can do it. But I've been a virgin for all of my life now and I have received no affection from girls. I used to be torn up about it, now I think I'm fine.


I want to know is there any guys who live alone and how do you deal with it?


I'm alone and I enjoy it. Of course, there are times when I get lonely and do desire some female affection. There are places to go to achieve that. But as you said, relationships are a pain, especially nowadays, because it doesn't have the correct structure it used to have back in the old days.


Being alone has many benefits. I get to go out when I please and come back whenever I want. I don't have to answer to anyone, which I relish. I also get to relax without the need of having to call a woman and find something to do with her; or have to worry about whether she's cheating or wants to end things with me because of whatever reasons.


The thing is, we're all alone in this world. We're alone in our thoughts and we're alone in our pain, emotions, and problems. That's the hard truth so I think finding comfort in that would make it all the better.

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