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Why do I feel this way?

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I'm in a really horrible predicament at the moment.

To cut a long story short , I've been with my gf for just under a year , everything was great for the first 6 months but the last 5 things have gradually gotten awkward between us. It's as though we've run out of things to talk about. Every time we meet , it's full of awkward silences and the atmosphere is really tense. We don't have any fun anymore and being with her is starting to feel like a chore. I've genuinely wanted to try and fix things because I love her and I really want things to go back to the way they used to be.

We were invited to a friends party last night. My friends girlfriend is not as attractive as mine but she does have a great personality. I've always been jealous of the bond they have. I have started to wonder whether I have feelings for my friends girlfriend or whether it's just the lacking in my relationship that's making me feel this way?

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The honeymoon period is over. Now you need to start doing the hard work of making the relationship work. If not into doing that, get out. But this sort of thing will likely happen in future relationships. What do or did you have in common in the first place?

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