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Tom and Nicole

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I guess by now the whole world has heard about Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. They were one couple I thought would be together forever.


Shows that it really can happen to the best of us, and to those of us who have a really great appearance to the outside world. Never judge a book by it's cover.


What a pity, I thought they were great together!! I guess they didn't!!

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Yes, a lot of people have been thinking about them. By Hollywood standards, an 11 year marriage is a pretty successful one, especially between two people with such diverse and highly active careers going.


This will be especially difficult for their children.


But they are just one of thousands of couples who separated around America and the world this week and whose actions will affect many more, the children of divorce.


But I do think they were great together, for the time they were together. The parting of ways is certainly no reflection on the quality of the best of their times. It is a reflection on their good judgement that this is the time it should end, for whatever good reason.

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