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Should I tell her and if so how much do I tell

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Michelle ma Belle

I'm horrified by your ignorance not to mention your destructive and selfish behavior. Unforgivable.


All I have to say is karma is a bitch and I hope she's got your number.

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Its ok, this isn't real. Just a bored Irish guy having fun in a typical way for those Irish that are arseholes.

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Everyone's very concerned by the chance of infection. I just don't see it. I have no symptoms and neither do my friends who behave in the same way. I am in Ireland after all. And to be honest if I do tell her I cheated I will not be telling her to get herself tested, there's just no way.

Come on then I'm ready for the outrage this post will attract.


Are you kidding me??? You don't have symptoms, so you cannot have an sti? How do you know that your friends who behave the same way do not have an sti? Unless you have their sti report or you were the lab tech who did the sti tests for them, I don't think you should claim that they don't have it. Seems you are just telling yourself you cannot have an sti. Most people think they cannot have an sti. Yes...The word is 'cannot have'. Why? Because they think they are special and the virus cannot be passed on to them. Did you know HIV has a window period of upto 6 months before test becomes positive. Do you know about latent syphilis? Some people with gonorrhea and chlamydia may not even have symptoms and it still does the damage. You definitely need to do your homework. When you do your research, you will get the reason why everyone is asking you to get tested. Prepare for the shock. If not for you, atleast for those you could have infected because of your recklessness.


You may not have to tell her to get tested if you do tell her you cheated. If she is smart enough, she will do it without you telling her. Cause that's unprotected sex with multiple partners. God knows where they have been.

Edited by ThatGirl213
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I have been with my girlfriend for 5 years and have been faithful for 4 and a half of them. I need to end things now but don't know whether or not to tell her I've been cheating. I had been treading water for the last year thinking that we are both too young for a long-term relationship. We're both under 22. I could tell her that I think we're both too young and that I don't want either of us feeling like we've missed out on college life but I doubt that will hold much water. Telling her I've been cheating for the last six months would destroy her though. And so this is my predicament.

Any responses much appreciated


What you mean is, telling her you've been cheating will destroy you.

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lil hoodlum
If you break up with her for no apparent reason, she's going to blame herself. If you break up with her and explain that you've cheated, she'll blame you (eventually). Does she deserve to blame herself, not knowing that you've had unprotected sex with multiple women? Of course not. Be a man and take the heat.



Yes, ^^^^^^^^^ this is so true.


She will blame herself if you just break up with her out of the blue and without any "real" reasons.


Please take the "high road" now and be honest with her. She deserves to know the truth. Breaking up with someone like this really can be devasting to the dumpee. Breaking up like this is cold, cruel, and cowardly. Don't be that kind of man. You will feel like crap for telling her the truth but you will be glad later on that you did the right thing.


Just imagine if you were in her shoes. How would you want to be treated?

Edited by lil hoodlum
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