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she hate me becase i love her

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I fell in love with a friend. I knew her for about three years but I wasn't interested in her until I got to know her.We got along like Peanut butter and jelly. We thought the same, had the same intrests and enjoyed talking to each other. We weren't buddy friend but casual friends. She is soon going out of state to collage and I wanted to get her before she leaves. I wrote beautiful letters to


her and then I sent her expensive roses. Her father returned the roses to my home and I was not home. My family told me that he said that she was not interested and a bunch of bull sh*t. She won't talk to me or even look at me. I tried to talk to her but she absoultly hates me. She treats me like I did somthing to break the law. Like I am a bad person. I am scared to talk to her because she is so pasionate with her hate.I know not what I did wrong. We haven't spoke for about 3 months. I'm 20 she is 18.

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Worldly One
I fell in love with a friend. I knew her for about three years but I wasn't interested in her until I got to know her.We got along like Peanut butter and jelly. We thought the same, had the same intrests and enjoyed talking to each other. We weren't buddy friend but casual friends. She is soon going out of state to collage and I wanted to get her before she leaves. I wrote beautiful letters to her and then I sent her expensive roses. Her father returned the roses to my home and I was not home. My family told me that he said that she was not interested and a bunch of bull sh*t. She won't talk to me or even look at me. I tried to talk to her but she absoultly hates me. She treats me like I did somthing to break the law. Like I am a bad person. I am scared to talk to her because she is so pasionate with her hate.I know not what I did wrong. We haven't spoke for about 3 months. I'm 20 she is 18.



Don't worry about this matter any longer.


When she gets older she will ,if she wants,


get back to you and possibly work on a relationship


with you. Do you go now or are you intending on going to college??


If not then you might think of getting an Associates at least.


If you are not career minded and her family wants her to


be with someone who is then this might be the route you need to take.


Another thing let's not think about the past and let's fix your present and future . You've been friends for 3 yrs. then you must know what she likes. So be cool and don't let this block your progress toward seeing her again. She is still in the " not rid of the baby fat" stage and needs some time to grow. Life is so bizzare in that the things


needing fixin' will be fixed on their own without human intervention. She might invite you to her college once she is away from her family, also. Or see you sometime when she is older and like you then. Read Crushtruck also.


Something else also is you didn't mention whether you talked about being more than friends to her with her.


Did you know her dad as well??? Did you try to have sex with her??


You are at the prime babe meeting stage of your life now and if you play your cards right you will meet so many women . Stop looking at women as persuits and just try friends with many more.


Get Back and let us know more



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I fell in love with a friend. I knew her for about three years but I wasn't interested in her until I got to know her.We got along like Peanut butter and jelly. We thought the same, had the same intrests and enjoyed talking to each other. We weren't buddy friend but casual friends. She is soon going out of state to collage and I wanted to get her before she leaves. I wrote beautiful letters to her and then I sent her expensive roses. Her father returned the roses to my home and I was not home. My family told me that he said that she was not interested and a bunch of bull sh*t. She won't talk to me or even look at me. I tried to talk to her but she absoultly hates me. She treats me like I did somthing to break the law. Like I am a bad person. I am scared to talk to her because she is so pasionate with her hate.I know not what I did wrong. We haven't spoke for about 3 months. I'm 20 she is 18.

Try writing her a letter, not email but good old snail mail.


Ask her why she feels that way about you and that you respect he wishes that she has no desire for a relationship but out of coutesy you would like to know why.

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