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Why won't I admit I'm jealous..I hate feeling this way

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I'm with my boyfriend for 2 months..we've known eachother a year..I recently realized he has a lot of female friends he meets up one on one with..I've met some but not others and I wonder why keep them away from me.


His friend told me he really likes me and wanted to ask me out for a long time. From then on we started seeing eachother and he asked me to be official. He always worries about upsetting me and constantly apologizes even for stupid things.


He told me he loves me and then freaked out and said he didn't mean it and he hopes he hasn't scared me off. Ever since he has been weird.


I hate him having these female friends I don't know.. Makes me so jealous and upset. We spend a lot of time together. But this weekend he is going to a house party without me..I hate that. Am I overreacting?? I don't want to be a clingy gf. I understand we need time to ourself, I am going out too.


I don't understand why I have never ever trusted men..never. My dad is good to my mum, my brother is good..but I have trust issues.



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Is he intentionally trying to keep you away from these girls? If so, you might have a reason to be suspicious. Can you give us a bit of context?

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