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Why is he jealous about other guys if he just sexually wants me?

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I assume that he just wants me sexually, I mean he shows the signs that he just wants me as a **** buddy, but I could be wrong. But everytime I bring up a guy, he cuts me off, or he just gets stupidly angry. But yet he'll sometimes bring up girls that he had sex with. He was on my laptop and he was on his Facebook and he was laughing at what my mom said on FB. So I noticed my old friend commented on what my mom said, and I said "Tyler H? I didn't know my mom is friends with him! Wow! Click on his page" and then he clicked on his page and he was like "How do you know him?" I said "He's an old friend" He said "Did you **** him?" I said "No" He said "You ****ed him!" and he clicked off the page and got up all mad.


I could go on and on about stories of his jealousy with me and guys. It is so noticeable. But yet he seems to only be sexually attracted to me, he is kinda the player type. He is not that type that commits. So that is why I don't get why it matters who I go out with and such if he just wants a **** buddy? Also he'll say all the time "Where you going?" "You look nice where you going?" And he had to use my phone and I said "Don't go through my pics" He said "Why do you got nude pics or something?" I said "No" He said "Let me see these nudies!" and then I said "don't go through my messages and he said "Why are you so jumpy? You sexting guys or something?" I just don't get it. Maybe is it something else? What do you think?

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Men are territorial. It has nothing to do with feelings or he would be asking you for more than sex. Stop making yourself crazy projecting your own wants into him. You obviously want him to like you for more or you wouldn't be so hung on this, but I think you are just setting yourself up for disappointment with a self confirmed player who just uses you for sex. Be clear on what he wants and stop deluding yourself...he wants sex and he wants to be the only one to give it to you because it feeds his ego to be getting from you only while he does whatever girl he wants. Men don't like other guys leftovers ever. It is a biology thing.

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He's immature and territorial. You said he assume he wants you as a FWB - why Has he asked you to sleep with him before?

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I don't like it when I pass by McDonalds during the day and see someone else sitting in my seat. Same concept.

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You need to find out just where he is about you by simply saying "why do you care? It's not like we are boyfriend and girlfriend"


That'll make him figure his crap out rather than make you wonder.

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You need to find out just where he is about you by simply saying "why do you care? It's not like we are boyfriend and girlfriend"


That'll make him figure his crap out rather than make you wonder.

This. With a guy like that I would tell him to cut it out - though to be honest he isn't really the type I would hang out with in the first place.

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This. With a guy like that I would tell him to cut it out - though to be honest he isn't really the type I would hang out with in the first place.


I know why...because she wasn't look for a serious relationship either.


No judgment from me :p

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I know why...because she wasn't look for a serious relationship either.


No judgment from me :p

:p you can have casual with nicer guys though.

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Michelle ma Belle

A classic case of yet another man wanting to have his cake and eat it too.


Ah, if I had a nickle for every man I knew who did this I'd be living in the Bahamas and spending my days laying in a hammock with one of those colorful girlie drinks that has an umbrella in it.



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:p you can have casual with nicer guys though.


Nah...they always end up falling in love :mad:

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I assume that he just wants me sexually, I mean he shows the signs that he just wants me as a **** buddy, but I could be wrong. But everytime I bring up a guy, he cuts me off, or he just gets stupidly angry. But yet he'll sometimes bring up girls that he had sex with. He was on my laptop and he was on his Facebook and he was laughing at what my mom said on FB. So I noticed my old friend commented on what my mom said, and I said "Tyler H? I didn't know my mom is friends with him! Wow! Click on his page" and then he clicked on his page and he was like "How do you know him?" I said "He's an old friend" He said "Did you **** him?" I said "No" He said "You ****ed him!" and he clicked off the page and got up all mad.


I could go on and on about stories of his jealousy with me and guys. It is so noticeable. But yet he seems to only be sexually attracted to me, he is kinda the player type. He is not that type that commits. So that is why I don't get why it matters who I go out with and such if he just wants a **** buddy? Also he'll say all the time "Where you going?" "You look nice where you going?" And he had to use my phone and I said "Don't go through my pics" He said "Why do you got nude pics or something?" I said "No" He said "Let me see these nudies!" and then I said "don't go through my messages and he said "Why are you so jumpy? You sexting guys or something?" I just don't get it. Maybe is it something else? What do you think?



Let me get his right.. Your MOM asked if you had "fcked him"?? Just to be clear. I personally would find it bizarre if your mum said such a thing....


Um many guys don't want you for THEMSELVES yet they don't want YOU to screw around with others.


My ex cheated on my HUNDREDS of times. Hundreds. Yet he would have been VERY belt out of shape had I scr3wed around with other men....


This is VERY common.


He is a loser.

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Let me get his right.. Your MOM asked if you had "fcked him"?? Just to be clear. I personally would find it bizarre if your mum said such a thing....


Um many guys don't want you for THEMSELVES yet they don't want YOU to screw around with others.


My ex cheated on my HUNDREDS of times. Hundreds. Yet he would have been VERY belt out of shape had I scr3wed around with other men....


This is VERY common.


He is a loser.


No, my mother has never asked me that. My mom made a post on FB and he is friends with her on FB and he was laughing at what my mom said and then this guy named Tyler H. Whom I was friends with at one point commented on my mom's status, and I said "Tyler H? He's friends with my mom on Facebook! WOW! Click on his page!" And that is when "he" said "Did you f u c k him?" I said "No" He said "You f u c k e d him!" and got all made about it. I just don't understand his jealousy is all.

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Just to let everyone know, I haven't slept with him. I never even kissed him, I just assume that he wants me sexually. Like I said he never actually said to me "All I want is sex off of you" I just assume that is all he wants, cause he is the player type. Thank you!

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I think I got this nailed.


He was in a relationship and he got burned bad. So much so, that he WANTS to be more than just a f*ck buddy, but he's keeping you at arms length to protect himself. He's always on guard and always seems to be waiting on the other shoe to drop. Therefore, he has a hard time keeping his jealousy in check.


You need to sit him down and talk to him. See if this is the case. If it is, then he never addressed his insecurities. You need to talk to him or else move on.

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I think I got this nailed.


He was in a relationship and he got burned bad. So much so, that he WANTS to be more than just a f*ck buddy, but he's keeping you at arms length to protect himself. He's always on guard and always seems to be waiting on the other shoe to drop. Therefore, he has a hard time keeping his jealousy in check.


You need to sit him down and talk to him. See if this is the case. If it is, then he never addressed his insecurities. You need to talk to him or else move on.




LMAO! You nailed it! lol, seriously, you did. Cause he was out of relationship for a long time with this one girl, and he seems to get super close to me then backs away and it does seem like he protects his heart in a way. I don't know though if I want to talk to him about it, but we'll see how it pans out. I mean the jealousy thing I am gonna have to talk to him about cause it's ridiculous. Like I said I could go on and on about the other guys and such. Thank you!

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