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Issues with my mother

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This is really just a vent.



My home life is a mess and has been. I've always had issues with my mother. Either we are getting along perfectly and can talk about anything or we are fighting. As a adult I sadly live at home and it's my fault. I started college and switched my majors a few times and took time off a few times to save up money and work. I am finally graduating in 3 months!!



My mom is an alcoholic. She has always had issues with binge drinking in my opinion but over the past few years it's gotten worse. When she drinks she gets really mean.



When I told her I got into a great graduate school program she was unresponsive. Whenever I've achieved something she doesn't really react. She has always seemed uninterested in my life.



I've been in therapy for a few months due to depression and anxiety and I've realized that a lot of my family issues have really caused me to think negativitly about myself.

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Sorry about your situation.



You might want to check out the book "Toxic Parents" by Susan Forward.

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Join Al-Anon or attend a local adult children of alcoholics meeting. They are support groups for the family members of alcoholics.

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