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My boyfriend is really hurting me.....why? please help

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well i have been going out with my boyfriend for about six months. but i have known him 4 like 6 years we have been friends but not close friends. he knows msot things about me.


the thing is he has passed his driving test latley and before he never went out but now he is always out with his mates. he slags my friends down all the time and slags me down. he says we agure and its always my fault. he is so stubborn. he really annoys me. he changes so much when he is out with hismates


i know he thinks the world of me and cares about me. he could tell you how long we been 2geva and how many days and everything the thing is why cant he be like this when he isnt with his mates. hes always out. the other week we broke up and he wudnt speak 2 me 4 3 days and in the end he rang me and wanted me bk.


like a foool i took him back but i went out with my mate on the sunday and he rang me and came out side the restuarnt with his mates and everything and really embrassed me. i have alot of boy mates and i go out alot with my mates aswell. but we hardly have time 4 each other.


i have recently passed my test 2 weeks ago and now i have my car and i have been going out with my mates alot latley and he says ive ingored his calls and that for a whole week therefore when i dnt pick up my phone he texts me saying pick up or its over and he dosent mean it he says.


why is he palying games with me? he liked me 4 2 years when we was mates but i was with my ex and loved mt ex and i ahve given him a chance. im just not happy. what would you do? it always seems to be games and i dunno how to stop playing these games. im really getting upset. he has girls in his car aswell but i know he wudnt cheat that one thing i know 4 sure.

please some1 help me

its really getting to me


kirst xxxxxxxx

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how old are you?he sounds really immature!id leave him dont let him make a fool out of you,plenty more fish in the sea and guys who wont hurt you,you just havnt found him yet :(

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He sounds like a jerk, give him the heave ho and find a guy who treats you better. If he loved you he wouldn't try to embarass you in front of his and your friends.

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I'm sorry - what does 'slags' mean?


I'm concerned for you, I think he's being quite rude and immature. I would probably start separating myself from him, good luck!

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Originally posted by AmHopeful

I'm sorry - what does 'slags' mean?

Depends on how you use it.


"She is such a slag!" (tramp, ho, etc...)


"Quit slagging me off!" (bad mouthing)




Kirst - b/friends shouldn't be hurting you & they shouldn't be slagging you off to your friends & his. He doesn't have much respect for you if that is what he is doing therefore you need to have some respect for yourself & tell him to treat you right or piss off. Thing is, you put up with crap & crap is all you're gonna get.

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