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I think my friend likes me but I am unsure about it?

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She is like me, for the most part. We both sing, have a background in a fire department we are workaholics, and have a background in science. The person a lot of the time being indifferent. Their startling admission to me was when their car died, their number one pick for school denied them she spent all day crying due to what happened. When she told me and my one other friend, she put her arm on my shoulder and I just grabbed her waist to give her a side hug to comfort her and later texted that night if she needs anyone to talk to that my line is always open. Her reply was "thank you, I appreciate it". They are in my Spanish class, and if memory serves me correct they would call me joking once a week a stalker, and a would punch me once in my left arm every week for the past few weeks. Therewas one night she challenged me to thumb wrestling and she won, then she had me arm wrestle her once with each arm. The day of our final, she drove me (since my class went to a restaurant) and we sat next to each other but that was unplanned. She showed me a photo from when she was overweight and said she never shows people that photo and my reply to her is "since then you've gotten cuter" and her reply was "aw" and week before showed me a baby photo of herself. When she was driving me home we were talking about two friends she lost a few months before I met her and I again told her again, I am always free to talk and she replied back again with "thanks I appreciate that". She told me she may never get over those two (as one was her friend and the other was to be her lover) and a week prior told me about how one of the people she lost, they were about a month from making he relationship official, which is why I want to tread very lightly. When I got home, we talked for a few minutes and then she gave me criss-cross hug that lasted about 3seconds as if she was about to leave but we spent the next 20 minutes just talking. She told me that when a local wing joint goes 24-hours in the summer to expect a phone call for Wings at 3am since she I knows I am up late. She also told me that in late August when they are in VA, if i am in the area to stop by and visit also told me a few weeks prior that one of their schools of choice is mine (could be a coincidence, I don't know). When she was leaving when I was walking up to the door she honked goodbye. I will see her again next week. We are planning on chasing weather together soon and told me and a friend that she looks at the personality in the guy. I honestly don't know how to tread as I am treading currently very lightly. Also to add, i;ve gotten her to laugh before and I don't remember exactly what I said before the day with the restruant that shes replied by with aww. We are currently planning on going out to the mid west to chase weather soon.

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Stop being so available for her, which you should've done a long time ago. You should've made your intentions clear from the get go.

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Well, I see why you need to be careful. But we have your feelings to consider here too. It's that old conundrum: If you are patient too long, you'll be friendzoned. I feel because your communication is really good right now, that you should just ask her out. Don't call it "as friends" or anything. Just ask her if you can take her to dinner and/or the movies this weekend. She will either say yes, no or maybe. Only "yes" means she might actually be open to romance. If she says she's busy, say, "What night is good for you?" If she still makes excuses, stop trying.


Then once on the date, at the end of it, go in for a little kiss on the mouth and then leave. Then ask her out again later that week. If she says yes, you're in.

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