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He is trying to date but he has a girlfriend!

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I am so sick of this guy. He for the past year has been trying to date me, trying to do so much with me. Says sweet nothings to me, you know...he is always saying I am pretty, he loves me, he cares about me and so on and so on. Everytime I say 'you have a girlfriend' He is always denying it and saying no when him and this chick act like they are in relationship. When I was with him and my friend the other day, my friend was talking about a movie and then he responded and said 'I saw that movie!' my friend said 'who with?' and he was like 'Bridget...' and I am just looking at him and then he says 'Bridget..." Again! Bridget is me by the way and that is my name. And then he says 'I went with Leah and some friends' it's like he didn't want to say it or something? What did you get from that?



He also will get jealous about the guys I talk to, and he is just always making it seem like him and Leah are not together when they are. My friend asked him the other day if they were dating and his response was "I don't even know what we are!" Funny...cause he told me that they are just friends and they are NOT dating. So why is he doing that to me? Also why is he denying it to me when I already suspect it? I need opinions on this, cause I don't understand it.

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Why don't you believe him when he tells you that this other girl is not his GF?



Have you ever asked her?



If she says that he's not her BF would you date him?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been in the same situation but genders were reversed. Holy hell was that a bunch of drama.


Just avoid it all together. It's not worth it. Wait until she shows up at your house at three in the morning screaming for you to come outside and fight her.

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