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My gay boyfriend kissed a couple of girls, not sure how to feel about this

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My boyfriend and I have been dating for near 8 months. A couple months into our relationship he had gotten really drunk and kissed a girl, and then on a separate occasion kissed a different girl when he was high on molly and drunk. I didn't find out about the second occasion until recently, however this occasion also occurred within the first months of our relationship.


He says that he is definitely gay and very attracted to me, which I believe (we have sex at least once every day), but I can't wrap my head around why he would kiss somebody else, albeit a girl, even if he is on drugs because that is something that I know I would never do because of the respect I have for our relationship. He said he just thought it would be "funny" in the moment and wasn't even thinking about it.


I really love him and I know that he really loves me but I just can't understand why he would kiss somebody else if he really cared about me. Is this something that I should just let go or do I have cause to be concerned?

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Cheating is cheating. Forget the gender for a minute. . . would it really be better if he kissed other guys?


Maybe he was confused. Maybe he's bi. Maybe . . . I could go on & on.


At the end of the day, your BF engaged in behavior that was out of bounds. . TWICE.


Gay or straight, it seems to me that his morals not his preferences need adjusting.

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I think I know this guy. But let's hope not. I used to work with a guy who was openly gay but then when he got drunk, he'd try to get on this pretty girl in our office. I used to tell him he was a "closet heterosexual." And I think he might have been. But here's why, and I hope it doesn't apply to your guy. This guy wasn't good looking. He was built like Baby Huey and so insecure that he wouldn't wear anything without a designer name on the outside of the garment. I think maybe he was driven to his bi-er man side because women weren't at all attracted to him. Doesn't mean he wasn't bi, mind you, and he'd clearly decided to go with "gay," but his drunk self told another story.


Me and my friend once sort of double-dated a couple of bi guys who lived together. One is still a good friend decades later. One of them ended up married to a woman. The other still goes both ways and hasn't married. He had a woman he thought he ought to try to marry, but I think she was smart enough to know it wasn't his highest aspiration. So he's still out there. Some say "bi" doesn't exit. It does. An old friend of mine who always was gay used to say he liked women with big boobs, but I never took it seriously. And then he moved to another state and married a wonderful caring woman who was large and had very big boobs. Now, he did have a meltdown years into the marriage wanting to be with gay men again.


It's all cheating, as everyone has said, so that's the main issue. But whether that is something you can live with is your personal decision and no one else's. Good luck!

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Charlie Harper

He is Bisexual, a true gay will never have heterosexual contact…. not even drunk...

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