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I know this is not a site for dream interpretation, but i heard that sometimes dreams can tell something about your life and relationships. last night i had a dream in which my boyfriend who is a totally loving man, was ignoring me.


In the dream i went to look for him in his friends room and i found him with a beer in hand, watching porn movies and a girl was there too. he angrily invited me in but i refused so he told me that he was having fun and that i had


never bought him a drink.


I woke up with paranoia. do you know if there's something psychological about this dream?

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I don't think there was any significance at all. It may indicate that you are a bit insecure in your relationship but other than that, what was in your dream probably has no basis in reality.


Not every dream has to have meaning. As a matter of fact, dream interpretation is highly subjective and there are schools of though that hold they have little meaning at all.


Some people have precognitive dreams, where future events are seen clearly in the dream, but I don't really pick that up here. In your case, I just think it's symptomatic of some unconscious insecurity that you have.


I think you could cure the whole thing by buying your boyfriend a drink.

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