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Should I believe him?

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This guy I am friends with, i'll call him George, lol. George and I are close friends, and I do have feelings for him but because he works for my dad, I don't want it to go further, so I just stayed platonic friends with him, I never even had sex with him or anything. So George has been different with me lately, he hasn't been his goofy, lovey dovey self with me. He has been more quiet and not as friendly, but not too rude either. Just not his usual self.



Anyways he invited me to a bar but my brother wanted to go home early, so I had my brother drop me off at a friend's house and I got even more drunk, and that resulted into drunk texting George, oh god....embarrassing! So I texted him to see if he was mad at me, and I was saying how much loyalty I have towards him blah blah blah, it was embarrassing. And he asked if I could bring him cigarettes, and he'll pay me when I get to his house. So I am at his house, and he steps in my car and I asked him "Are you mad at me?" He was like "No! Why would I be mad at you?" "I love you so much!" and he kept kissing my head lol, not my forehead, like where my hair is and he kept kissing the side of my face, lmao. And he kept on repeating himself saying "You're my favorite person" "I love you so much" "You are my best friend" "I know you are all about loyalty, I love you for that, I love you!" He just kept saying it. And he kept hugging me tightly, like close to choking me, ugh! And he kept on kissing the side of my face, lmao. So then he says "text me when you get home" I forgot too, and he was texting me to see if I was alright, and I still drunk texted him which was humiliating. He was like "Go to sleep, glad you're ok"


Should I believe what he was saying? Does this mean he likes me more than a friend? Or does it seem like he was just lying? Any thoughts? Please share your opinion, and what you think about it. Thank you!

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George likes you. You have said you only want to be his friend & he has attempted to respect that by backing off. The 1st thing you did was get drunk & call him. What a mixed message. You need to figure out if you like him back or you are just using him because his attention stroked your ego. If the later, leave him alone. If you like him date him. The fact that he didn't take advantage of you in your drunken state while you were throwing yourself at him tells me he has good character.

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Well, when your drunk, your not thinking real clear so maybe you should just let it be and hope it doesn't happen again.

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George likes you. You have said you only want to be his friend & he has attempted to respect that by backing off. The 1st thing you did was get drunk & call him. What a mixed message. You need to figure out if you like him back or you are just using him because his attention stroked your ego. If the later, leave him alone. If you like him date him. The fact that he didn't take advantage of you in your drunken state while you were throwing yourself at him tells me he has good character.



Yeah, I don't know what I feel about him, but he just seems not like me in a way and I don't know what to do. Thank you for your input!


Well, when your drunk, your not thinking real clear so maybe you should just let it be and hope it doesn't happen again.



Yeah, let's hope it doesn't happen again, haha. That was humiliating what I was saying to him.

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If he really loved you he wouldn't have encouraged you to drive over to bring him cigarettes and then let you leave knowing you were drunk.

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