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It's killing me....

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My fiance and I are in a LDR, and we seem to be getting into loads of problems lately. Every little thing becomes an issue, and we either get into a fight, or get hurt by each other. I don't know what happening to us. We still want to be together, but this distance is really hurting us. Is this normal? Do people in LDR face such problems?


I don't even know how to handle it anymore. And usually it's the smallest things that bother us. The only way we can keep in touch is over messenger or phone. Visiting each other regularly is totally out of the question. We're both on different sides of the world.


Please share some tips or advice, or even some personal experiences on how to get back to how we were. :(

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Is there a point in your relationship when you will eventually be together and live in the same house in the same city? If so, when will this be?

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It’s just like any other relationship, problems arise. How long have you been in this LDR?

Just a thought…maybe you should view this as a test to see how strong your relationship really is. I’ve been a long distance relationship for 4 ½ years and believe me its hard but you need good communication, trust, and love to be able to work anything out.


I wish you the best.

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