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Is it not good too if a girl is too nice....??

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Hey guys,


There's this guy that I really like but it's the kind that I don't forsee anything with, at least not in the near future. But you know, it's still natural to wanna be nice to him I guess. So, the problem is I don't see him much and have to create chances to talk to him...

I was gonna help him do this thing, just like a nice little surprise thing, but then realized for once this week, he actually can help himself with it. I mean I can still do that and give him that object he may like, or I can just leave it for him to get it himself. If after hearing from him that he can do something, and I still do it for him, would it be like too much of a interest shown? Though, I will be there anyway, so he knows that it is not at all an inconvenience too if I do it... but....


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