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Does he like me...or like me not?

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I'm not very good at relationships, due to lack of experience (I'm 20 years old). But, I have been feeling this connection with a guy at my church and I'm not sure if I'm seeing what I want to see or he feels the same way.

We have been at the same church for years...4 years now to be exact. And the other thing is that he's about 33 years old. I don't mind the age difference, because he doesn't look or act his age.

Here are some signs I picked up that explains why I feel this way:

- One day after church, I went to shake the pastor and the elders' hands and I saw his mom and shook her hand as well. She asked me, "are you taking care of my son?" Very shy I said, "I guess". And she said, "No you will". To this day, I am still trying to decipher what she meant by that.

- sometimes he will remember my birthday and message me on Facebook and say Happy Birthday

- one day, he took the time to recognize that he had a pocket handkerchief that matched a skirt I was wearing. Even took me to his office to show me the evidence.

- I was at a social gathering and he was there. While I was watching tv, I felt someone looking at me. I turned and he was staring at me very hard! (I did smile and spoke to him to break the awkwardness lol).

- we were playing taboo at the same social gathering and he was operating the buzzer during my turn. And he kept buzzing me for no reason lol. He was playing around, but he didn't do that to anyone else but me.

- anytime he looks at me, it is like a gaze. And it feels like he's looking into me.

- he offered me a job last summer. It was a volunteer operation, but he knew I was looking for work and offered to pay me. He invited me to the pre-planning meetings, where he would ask for my input. Made me feel like I mattered to him.

- he's always offering me food when he has some and I'm around.

- I'm in college, so I go home for breaks. When I leave to go back to college, he fake cries and says "don't leave me."

- I saw him yesterday and I shook his hand in church. He made his eyes real big and stared at me to make me laugh. And I noticed his gazed drifted to my lips.



Are these signs that he likes me? I have no idea! When he's around me, he doesn't say much but he'll definitely stare at me. But when he's around other people, he is very talkative and sociable. Could he be shy?

My friends think he is waiting until I'm a little older to pursue me. Especially since my parents go to the same church and are very protective of me.


Any takes on this situation? I like him and I'm very attracted to him. Sometimes I feel like I don't have a chance and it's all in my head. :(

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He likes you. When a guy stares at you = he likes you, aside from all of his other behaviours, all of which indicate interest. Hi smother probably meant exactly that - 'you will' take care of my son (one day. Seems likes she approves of you already.

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