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What does it mean when a guy makes fun of you?

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What does it mean when a guy makes fun of you?

If a guy makes fun of you, does that mean he likes you? For example, this guy I am friends with calls me annoying but he always seems to call and talk to me, and is always laughing and smiling whenever I am around. what do you guys think?

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How old are you? I mean if you're in college and he is making fun of you, that's kind of a**h***-ish behavior. IMO.

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Sounds like this guy when I was in HS. He acted so nasty to me, but always always had to talk to me. Always had to sit by me, etc. And I put up with his Sh** for 4 years! On graduation day he told me he was sorry for putting me through it, and he really liked me. OMG, I said, 4 YEARS! I told him I knew, but in a weird way, I kind of liked him too. So there ya have it. He probably likes you. Tell him, "Geez (insert name here), you must really be crazy for me! You're always going out of your way to annoy me back...must be luv. :laugh: "

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