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Why won't she leave me alone?

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Last year I had to walk away from my friend because his new girlfriend was causing me too much grief. I had had a brief relationship with this guy a few years ago but it didn't work out and we just remained friends. She got my number from his phone and would ring me non stop asking "what I wanted with her boyfriend" etc etc. He didn't stand up for me and ask her to stop so eventually I walked away and haven't spoken to him in nearly a year.


His girlfriend is STILL stalking me. I changed my number, (which I had to pay for). I don't think that it's right I should of had to change my number but she just wouldn't leave me alone. Texts & calls non stop. So I bit the bullet and changed my number. She messaged one of my friends on Facebook asking for my new number, and unfortunately, they gave it to her.


She has been stalking me on facebook, and continuously goes on whatsapp throughout the day checking up on whether I have been on because she is paranoid I am still in contact with her boyfriend.


She writes nasty statuses on whatsapp aimed at me, and will also write statuses to try and make me, (and anyone else she is paranoid about) jealous eg "lovely romantic evening ;-)" "love is in the air :-)" "we are still together, I'm very sorry ;-)". I went to block her on whatsapp but she blocked me first, but when she wants to write one if her statuses she will unblock me.


I know that their relationship is not the greatest, he used to speak to me about how her jealously was killing their relationship, how she was insecure and constantly moaned at him about women he worked with.


Is she jealous of me? Which is why she won't leave me alone? And is she writing these statuses to kid herself that her relationship is great when secretly it probably isn't?


I would like a reconciliation with my friend, but know that this is never going to happen whilst he is in a relationship with this lady.


Thoughts? x

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You answered all of your questions in your posts. She's very insecure that's why she acts this way and their relationship is not great because she's a bit crazy......

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Unfortunately, this is what happens when you try to stay friends with exes. Eventually, you have to go your separate ways when one or both of you end up dating others. It doesn't always have to happen that way, but more often than not it does.


She is obviously very insecure and can't handle him being friends with any other female. He doesn't seem to mind or he would have walked away.


Sorry you lost your friend but it might be better for you this way.


She sounds like she has a screw loose.

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Sounds like the type of girl who'd chain their partners to a wall if they could do so unnoticed.


By all means, don't check her Whatsapp if it offends you that much and block her whenever she unblocks you again.

And if you want to provoke, write a double-hinted status as well and watch how fast she flips, lol!


I'd sooner consider a restraining order though. Or maybe meet with your ex just to make all this trouble worthwhile.

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Sounds like the type of girl who'd chain their partners to a wall if they could do so unnoticed.


By all means, don't check her Whatsapp if it offends you that much and block her whenever she unblocks you again.

And if you want to provoke, write a double-hinted status as well and watch how fast she flips, lol!


I'd sooner consider a restraining order though. Or maybe meet with your ex just to make all this trouble worthwhile.


I WOULD write a double ended status to wind her up, only she would then write another one and it would go on and on, and do I really want to lower myself to her level or give her the satisfaction? x

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Tell her that if she continues, you will turn all records/messages over to the police and report her for harassment. Even if you have no intention of doing so, let her think that you do. That should be enough to stop her.

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I have already been to the police and they just recorded it, and gave her a warning, and advised me to change my number. I don't really want to involve them again, I just want the pair of them out of my life, instead of my every move being watched by her.

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I have already been to the police and they just recorded it, and gave her a warning, and advised me to change my number. I don't really want to involve them again, I just want the pair of them out of my life, instead of my every move being watched by her.


Tell her you will report her again and take it further if she continues. Make it crystal clear that you have a record of all her communications to you, and you will not hesitate to turn them over if needed. Clearly a warning wasn't enough. As I said, you don't need to actually take it to the police if you don't really want to. But allow her to believe she will be hearing from them. What she's doing is inappropriate and it doesn't sound as though much you do will stop her. It may in fact be necessary to involve police again if she continues.


Until then, block or delete her in any manner you can. Don't respond to her. Ask your friends to please not communicate with her about you.

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