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How you guys feel bout this

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Kk. So I've bought my ticket and decided this to go although I still have doubts. I guess a lot of my doubt comes from the opinions of this site and they tend to seem to say that as soon as someone cheats or messes up I should be out. Now this is how it has been in every one of my past relationships serious or just sexual. The circumstances around this seem to tell me that I should not take that position. I mean maybe some of you guys could give some input about their opinions on cheating and that. Tbh I have cheated on every girl I've ever dated seriously so I am no angel. In addition, there were no clear set boundaries and although we had stated we were working towards a relationship I'm sure with her knowing my past and me not acknowledging her request to date she had her doubts which ultimately lead to her cheating. When I had finally confronted her about the infidelity she did in fact break down and made it seem (not through her words but just everything about it) gave me the vibe like she felt like she needed a backup plan w me. I know this is not an excuse but again opinions about this would be appreciated.




Backstory: dunno if it's relevant this pretty much covers what I wanna know


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Some people can work past cheating.


You said there were no clear boundaries in the relationship. To my way of thinking unless both people sat down, talked about the relationship & promised that they would be monogomous, it's not cheating because you never promised to be faithful. Cheating is breaking the promise & in dating, I don't believe in implied promises.

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No offense but since you're a serial cheater you've lost all credibility concerning serious relationships.

Of course she needs a safe backup, especially if she won't tolerate your cheating.

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