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Why commit a crime and then turn yourself in?

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my mom committed a financial crime and is now in jail for six months. She admitted it to me and my dad one day after a while of looking nervous. She said she needed to turn herself in and my dad agreed and they went to the police station to do so. I wonder, though if they did not find out, why go and turn yourself in?







also, is this weird, I have talked to my on the phone while she is there and for some reason I feel more comfortable being open with her about anything now then when she was actually here. Any reason why I would feel that way now?

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Hi fmpro. :)


***Major edit: I see you've started a couple other topics on this matter, which answered some of my initial questions.


In response to your latest questions:


There are several reasons for turning yourself in after committing a crime, namely remorse and guilt. It's also possible that your mother felt like she couldn't go much longer without getting caught by somebody (not necessarily your dad).


That you have come to feel more open with her now that she's away in prison is not necessarily weird. Being only 14 or 15 years old and having had both parents in your life until this point, not having your mother around is a rather novel situation.

Based on some of your past comments, it sounds like you view this as a psychological leveling of the playing field, such that both you and her have others telling you what to do with your life around the clock. You mother has been temporarily removed from her longtime position of authority over you; it may be quite a humbling experience for her.


My main questions to you for starters:


1. How have you changed since your last post in this topic 5 months ago?

2. How has your relationship with your dad been since your mom has been in prison?

Edited by sunrise24
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