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Your NUMBER ONE relationship or marriage tip/counsel?

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You must have heard plenty advice from the internet/family/friends / church etc.


If you are single/ married what is THE ONE advice that sticks out like a gem ( favourite/most helpul/ worked for you etc)


I’m single woman, so I hear them almost on a daily basis, :rolleyes:. But the one that truly stood out is


“Think like a man but don’t act like a man”


And that was WAY before the movie!


For the worst I can't mention any cos I haven't experienced that much.

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Appreciate the other person every day.


By that I mean, say please & thank you; show them you think they are sexy, pay attention when they talk; make time for them even when you are tired.

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Be honest. Don't hide the truth or omit it because of the other person's reaction. You only make the situation worse by waiting or hiding the truth.

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Dance every dance like it's your last dance.


Boiled down, seek to never take one's partner for granted.

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from my crazy aunt(I loved her)at my bachelorette party

be a lady in the streets,and a freak in the sheets

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Pick your battles and speak kindly and gently. You certainly have a right to get irked, annoyed etc, but if you wouldn't express it in a screaming, hostile, insulting manner to your friends or co-workers it is certainly NOT Okay to do so to the person who has given you their heart.:love:

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I don't have a catchy little phrase for this.


Don't be conflict-avoidant.


It's such a natural thing. Nobody wants to be controlling, the bitch or the nag. And we naturally assume that we need to learn to compromise. And we want our SO to be happy. Avoiding conflict is usually very well-intentioned.


However, when you keep avoiding conflict, it eventually fuels resentment. And the other person doesn't even know about it. One thing I know for sure is that unresolved resentment will kill even the best relationship. It is far better to go thru a difficult conversation in the short term than to try to fix entrenched and festering resentment over the long term. Unfortunately, resentment doesn't just go away. It simmers beneath the surface. And it comes out eventually, and usually in a much less controlled fashion than if we'd just dealt with the conflict in the first place.


I have learned that as soon as I find myself wanting to avoid a conversation with my SO, that means that I MUST discuss it. I may wait until we're less emotional about it but the conversation is GOING TO HAPPEN. I believe this is the 'hard work' that they're talking about when it comes to relationships and marriage. And more people need to have the courage to have those difficult conversations.

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If you get in an affair, get out as soon as you realise.

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Keep a sense of humor and ALWAYS REMEMBER that this is your best friend that you are speaking to.

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