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Feel like I'm going to rip my hair out!


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My mum passed away unexpectedly just over a week a go now, leaving my dad, me (19, full time apprentice hairdresser), and my just shy of 16 younger sister in high school. We're all very distraught at the moment, she was our world. Our grandparents (dads parents), have come interstate to stay with us for a while and help us 3 transition which I love. They are driving me pretty crazy though, (mostly my sister, who is quite mature for her age.) They just want to rearrange everything, clean out everything, do stuff that doesn't need to be done. My sister is becoming very bossy. Telling me to "act my age", that we "need to clean out my clothes", just little things that are really driving me up the wall. I know this is her way of coping, but she just won't stop talking my ear off and meddle with things that don't need to be meddled with (like putting all my black clothes in one drawer) I feel so bad for thinking this way but I just want some sense of normality back into my life, and I'm not really sure how to tell her to back off a little bit. Her friends and her boyfriend have all been great during this time, but whenever they're over (which is usually after school) they just scream and laugh so loudly and I'll be sitting in my bedroom (where my grandparents are staying, I'm having the couch which is totally fine with me) trying to read a book or watch a movie and I just feel like putting my arm through a window! I go back to work on saturday so hopefully that will help, but I'm worried my sister will continue this ridiculous micro managing state she's in when everythings calmed down, I was planning to move out next year which isn't going to happen now and I don't know if I can deal with her being like this all the time, but I can't leave them :(

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I'm so sorry about the loss of your mother.


Can you call a family meeting or mention something at dinner? Explain that everybody grieves in their own way & that you appreciate everyone's efforts but you need people to back off.

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