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need a little advice!!!

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Hey everyone!! Need a little advice. I'm not sure if I over-reacted or not. Well i've been with my boyfriend for about 5 months. Last night was his friends birthday so they went out for some drinks at a club. I was at his house sleeping and chose not to go out with them because he was going with all of the guys. Well when he got home at around 2ish he was clearly drunk (which i expected). He layed down in bed and started telling me about which bars they hit up and yada yada yada. Then he continued on and he told me that at a club they went to he "butt grinded" with some other girl that one of his buddies knew. Well I was pretty pissed about it and this morning before i left we got into an argument and he said i "over-reacted" and it wasn't cheating...just a little "grinding." Do you think i am being stupid about this or do you think I have a right be be upset and a little pissed? So then after fighting for about an hour i said i was sorry for being stupid about it...but i dont konw if i am. :confused: I guess it was cool of him to tell me about it...but i think something like that i would rather not know about. If you have any advice or anything hit me back please!! This is pretty much the first real serious relationship i have been in so I am a little new at all of this. Thanks so much and hope you all have a great day.

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Had you made clear to him what is and is not acceptable in your relationship with him? If it was made clear, yes, be mad. But if you guys have never talked about what is crossing over the line, you may want to have that talk and chalk this one down as a loss.

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I don't think it's a big deal that he "grinded" with a friend of his friend. If you don't like it just tell him you'd prefer he not do it again, but if it's never come up before, then I'd say you're being a little melodramatic.

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