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Are these fantasies? Or am I just looking too much into it?

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I'll call him "Nick" Nick is cool with me, but just last night I was drunk and we both were texting, and he was saying things like "If you need anywhere to stay, let me know" "But you would have to sleep naked and speak at least 19 words in spanish" I am not Spanish but I was told by many people I look Spanish but i'm Italian.


Then a couple of days prior to this on Thursday he came over my house, and me and my friends were having a discussion about sex tapes, I know...it's stupid, haha. Then Nick chimed in and said "Yeah Julie, I might release our sex tape" My friends were all stunned! I was too! I never had sex with him and I just laughed it off, cause I didn't know what to say about that. He always looks at my body all the time too, and always scanning me. Looks at my boobs alot! And even tried to grab them one time, and even though I was disgusted and i thought it was disrespectful he said he was "just joking" and he "didn't mean anything by it" So I let that go.


He never mentions anything about my ethnic background but are these fantasies? Like me speaking Spanish to him, and him with the sex tape of us? I don't if I should be worried or if i'm looking into it. What do you think?

Edited by xxJuliexx
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I knew a guy like that. Used to pull that kind of move on our female friends all the time, thinking he was some sort of smooth operator. He wasn't. He was a pervert, and would take advantage (and did take advantage) of them the moment they were in a vulnerable situation. He would make up stuff, say that they slept with him, touched him, say humiliating things infront of their friends, teachers and even parents.


My advice, lay down the law with this guy. Spell out what he is doing is sexual harassment. If your comfortable with the leering he is giving you (you dont sound like your put off by it, some girls like that amount of attentions, i dunno).


Otherwise, set the boundries and the tone of the relationship. If it continues, look for help. Dont encourage this behaviour, and certainly dont lead it on.

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He's probably a player wannabe, like half the male population. Because men are generally flattered if women like to look at them, the unitiated among them may also feel you'd be flattered to have him groping your boobs and suggesting sex tapes. I think the sex tape comment tells you where his head's at (porn) and you'd do well to just not get involved.

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