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Drunk girlfriend hit on my friend...very hurt don't know

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I've been seeing this girl who is a perfect fit for me for about 4 minths now. Things gave been alright I haven't had a girlfriend in a while so sometimes I act kinda weird like nervous but whatever I'm getting over it now. So weve been seeing eachother for 4 months so about a week before my birthday I planned on asking if she wanted to be my girlfriend so the day comes and I throw a party at my apartment. The party is pretty great and everything's cool then sinething happened out of nowhere. My buddy steps out if the bathroom with zipper undone my girlfriend sees this and leans and flicks his zipper with her finger and sort if smiles I saw this and took it as a joke so I ignored it but realized should bring it up later sometime. So I go on with my business, so two days later my buddy tells me that he has to tell me something about my girl so he brings up the zipper thing but says that something else happened, he told me that after dhe flicked his zipper he said thanks I didn't notice ànd she replied to that with "I wouldn't of noticed if I wasn't interested" I told my girlfriend and she immediately broke down and started crying and told me that she would stop drinking I told her if giver her another chance but we just broke up lat week cause I couldn't see her the same way anymore I'm so depressed though cause she was perfect to me. All I wanna do is find someone like her. She won't admit to doing it and makes up excuses like I didn't mean it that way and that's not me I would never and I've never cheated nor ever wanted too I don't know what to do.

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All I wanna do is find someone like her. She won't admit to doing it and makes up excuses like I didn't mean it that way and that's not me I would never and I've never cheated nor ever wanted too I don't know what to do.


You want to find someone like her? So in other word, another girl that can't handle her booze and "flicks" zippers whenever she see one half way down, then wont cop to it and make excuses.


Your a glutton for punishment.

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Yeh. This so called perfect girl is a C U Next Tuesday.


Let her go try score some other blokes mates.

Edited by Joaquin
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I've been seeing this girl who is a perfect fit for me for about 4 minths now. Things gave been alright I haven't had a girlfriend in a while so sometimes I act kinda weird like nervous but whatever I'm getting over it now. So weve been seeing eachother for 4 months so about a week before my birthday I planned on asking if she wanted to be my girlfriend so the day comes and I throw a party at my apartment. The party is pretty great and everything's cool then sinething happened out of nowhere. My buddy steps out if the bathroom with zipper undone my girlfriend sees this and leans and flicks his zipper with her finger and sort if smiles I saw this and took it as a joke so I ignored it but realized should bring it up later sometime. So I go on with my business, so two days later my buddy tells me that he has to tell me something about my girl so he brings up the zipper thing but says that something else happened, he told me that after dhe flicked his zipper he said thanks I didn't notice ànd she replied to that with "I wouldn't of noticed if I wasn't interested" I told my girlfriend and she immediately broke down and started crying and told me that she would stop drinking I told her if giver her another chance but we just broke up lat week cause I couldn't see her the same way anymore I'm so depressed though cause she was perfect to me. All I wanna do is find someone like her. She won't admit to doing it and makes up excuses like I didn't mean it that way and that's not me I would never and I've never cheated nor ever wanted too I don't know what to do.


I'm sorry, but that would be pretty sleazy even if she wasn't your girlfriend and the other man wasn't your friend.


First few months are really a 'get to know' phase. Now you know. She acts like this with your friends when you're around. What do you think will happen with strangers when you're not around?


Wake up my friend, she is not perfect for you. The perfect girlfriend wouldn't get drunk and flick your friends penis.

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She sounds really sleazy OP. Most women wouldn't talk like that regardless how drunk, not even to their boyfriends. Gross.

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Definitely not GF material. It's good you got rid of her before she'd start cheating on you.


You want to find someone like her? Visit a brothel.

If you want to find a real girl that's a real match, patience.

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