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What should I do about My ex new boyfreind

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Alice in Chains

My Ex-girlfreind found some one else but really I know that I should be glad that she is happy with him but really some thing inside of me wants to kill her new boyfreind what should I do.

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Originally posted by Alice in Chains

My Ex-girlfriend found some one else but really I know that I should be glad that she is happy with him but really some thing inside of me wants to kill her new boyfreind what should I do.

The most important thing to remember is: Don't kill him.


Instead, let it out somehow. Physical activity is a great way to let off steam. Do you play any sports? Do you run or shoot hoops? Rock climbing? Heck, even work can help let off steam. Is there a strenuous chore that needs done?


Expressing yourself is another way to get things off of your chest. Do you create art or play a musical instrument? Write stories, journals or poems?


Or maybe you prefer inviting friends over to watch a movie in which lots of stuff gets blown up.


The point is to do anything besides brood.

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