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Marriage boundaries with friends of opposite sex

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9 inappropriate relationships....9....that's, wow, that's serial cheating, and your anger and hurt over this comes through in your posts. I'm not saying you don't have a right to be angry, you do. It's affecting your good judgement though, I think. I think it's also affecting your ability to trust and have friendships with other females. I can see why it would.

Being online all day isn't going to help though, it's an escape mechanism...and from experience, it doesn't make things better to try and escape them. Issues will still be there when you turn the computer off, you'll just have an internet addiction on top of everything else to work out.

Before either of you embark on friendships with members of the opposite sex,(or same sex ones, for that matter), it might be a good idea to see if there is still a friendship between the two of you at the base of your M. That friendship seems like it is wounded almost fatally, and needs time, effort and care to heal, if the M is going to work.

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