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Interferring mother in law and sister in law.


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I've now spent over a year trying to find a therapist about this. I'm quickly losing all respect for that profession.

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What happens when you actually enforce boundaries with the MIL and SIL? They can only control your lives as much as you let them..


Are you living with them or something?

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Why are you losing respect for the therapist profession because you have interfering relatives?


Going to therapy is not going to help you change other people. It can help you change how you react to and deal with them.

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The only thing the therapist can do is help YOU learn how to manage YOUR life. If that includes finding ways to no longer allow them to interfere, well, then the therapist is doing his job.


I took my H to therapy for a year to get him to 'fix' himself; which he had no inclination to do. In frustration, I b*tched out my therapist, who calmly replied, 'you have no control over him and what he does, you never did; you DO have control over what YOU do - are you ready to address THAT?'

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SK, if you haven't already, you need to focus on moving out on your own....that way you can dictate how much control they have over your life.

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