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I just met this girl and I wanna kno how to get to know her better...like what do I do and say. We talk online and I can't find anything to talk about so can someone help me.

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Originally posted by 7south1side8

so i guess no one can tell me :(

The person who can tell you what you should talk about is her. You do this by asking her questions about her interests, hobbies, recent events, favorite _______ (insert food, movies, music, etc), whatever. Keep in mind what she likes to talk about by how she responds, so you can bring topics that interest her back up in the future.

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Ask how her day went and what she did today. From there, that leads to other topics. You say you've "gotten thru" talking about interests as if you were following a checklist and checking off steps. Unless she is really shy or you are not a good listener, these are things you can continue to talk about. If you get short answers to your questions or find yourself doing most of the talking, make sure you are asking leading questions that let her expand a bit more instead of yes/no questions or ones that can be limited to a few words.


If she has a favorite sports team, there's always something new happening with the team. If she likes a particular type of movie, there's new releases that may intrigue her (and also a chance to ask her out to go see movies she may like). If she likes Italian food, you can give her reviews of Italian restaurants you've recently gone to (again an opening here). Pay attention to recent news and events. If she likes politics, there's something new to talk about every day. Et cetera, Et cetera. If she has real interest in something, it's not something you talk about once and can never bring up again.


Another thing you can do when you read the news is pay attention to strange or humorous stories. On the yahoo news site, and others, there are sections for oddball stories, so go read a few you think are amusing so you can work it into conversational lulls.


Also, just practice having good conversations with other people in general, whether it be guys, girls you are attracted to, or girls you are not. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Just relax, pay attention, and have fun when talking to other people, including this girl.

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