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What are your most recent happy moments together?

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So, needless to say, the spark came back. And thank goodness it did so just before we went on vacation together. Before our vacation, first he got sick, then I did. I fretted and fussed over him, and then he tried to convince me I wasn't on death's doorstep. Obviously the spark will come back when you go on vacation together, but I'm just so excited I have to share the highlights.


Antibiotics are a good thing and I was okay enough to do stuff after one day. My sweet husband and I had tons of fun so far. We saw acrobats, went ziplining, we ate a massive meal on a cruise ship, went mini golfing, had luxurious pink bubble baths in the jacuzzi, went to an aquarium and petted the snakes,we went to an amusement park and rode almost all the rides. I ride my first roller coaster and I loved it! We went swimming (and I rocked a brand new pink bikini) and later got really drunk and had mind-blowing sex. He was really sweet when I was sick and hung over. He soothed me while I threw up, cleaned up after me, let me sleep in and brought me breakfast in bed. But seriously, I swear to god I'm never drinking ever again, ever.


I have literally never had this much fun all at once. He says he hasn't either, mostly because I have been here to share it with him. AWWWWWW!!

He went out shopping with me several times and showered me with jewelry and other gifts. We took tons of pics to immortalise all of it. Tonight while we were sharing a romantic jacuzzi he remarked that this vacation was the first of many we'd have together. Having been married almost 3 years, I was beginning to think we'd run out of firsts! We have to go home tomorrow but I suppose that's okay because we're both totally worn out from all the awesome.



So anyway, back to the original question, I've noticed (and sadly contributed to) a general atmosphere of hopelessness on this forum, so now that I have answered my own question I'll ask you all. What's the most recent happy time, moment, outing, etc., you've had with your spouse or SO?

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Aww that is SO NICE that you've spent all that wonderful time together. Make more memories by frequently romancing each other. Not just during vacations!


As for me, every time spent with my LDR boyfriend is a treasured moment. We're closing the distance soon and I can't wait to spend more time with him. Your post is definitely an inspiration to me, thank you for sharing!

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Any special activities we do together with our child but below is a special occurrence story.


About two weeks ago (a day after she had a IC session;)) she found a way to duck out of work early, before she had to go to night school, and went to the market and then cooked a whole dinner for me and it was waiting on the stove... when I got home from work. I was watching the kids as usual on those school nights she is away - and feeling grumpy about it - and then arrived home to a big meal ready for me on the stove. :love: I am all about acts and giving ... as a love language.

Edited by dichotomy
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My husband and I go on date nights once a week, and have enjoyed a lot of happy moments together. Recent date nights included meeting at a favorite restaurant for dinner, going for a walk in a scenic park, going whale watching and then to a really great seafood restaurant with a beautiful view of the habor. We went to the Hollywood Bowl to see my favorite band play. Our vacations normally involve taking the kids with, and we've had a lot of wonderful vacations with them as well. Most recent vacation was driving up the California coast and seeing the interesting and historic sites and towns along the way.

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Last week hubby and I took dog and baby on a long walk in late afternoon. We stayed out longer than we intended and about 8pm, when he'd finished work, my son joined us in the pub. We took it in turns to cuddle the baby, we played 'jukebox wars' and we had some good banter. I was in my element with a couple of drinks and the best company. I felt awash with love for my husband more than once that evening :)

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Going to see the newest member of our family and the birth of our new niece. Seeing him hold the baby and knowing how good he is with kids made me love him even more.


Seeing how exacting he is about the appropriate way to build a frozen yogurt sundae to his specs. :laugh:


The crazy and bizarre ways I seem to constantly amuse and delight him ( and usually I have no idea why) :confused::love:

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2 minutes ago. Relaxing on a med beach together with 2 bottles of Becks she slipped inside the cool box. Nice surprise. The little things.

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