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cant understand my female friend?


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I have a friend. She has different dreams and aspirations. Whenever we talk about different topics like on books & their characters esp female characters, I usually choose the characters present but she will always choose a female character who is strong, stands up to men, walks equal to them, is a warrior who knows archery/sword fighting etc (if its a mythological book) & such .


She also has strong views against any kind of prejuidice like racism, casteism, exploitation and she is an active supporter of animal rights, wholeheartedly denouncing animal abuse

She is fearless, opinionated, speaks her mind and follows where her heart and mind lead her. Shes pretty ambitious


But at the same time she appears soft and weak as well. Her other personality has her loving cute stuff like cute animals, romance, romantic stories and pretty colors and nature.

She is in love with love and when she loves someone, she loves that man blindly and passionately.

Sadly she never got love and neither received love. Her exes turned out to be jerks and cheats. And for them, she cried a lot.


She likes both dark and light side of life. If she likes the color black & royal princess looks, she also prefers the sweet romantic look. If she likes vampires, she might like angels too.


One hand she appears a strong woman who does not need anyone but on the other side she appears the feminine girl who wants to get married & have a family.


What is her personality? I cant understand.

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She sounds kind of just like a regular person to me. No one is all one way. If she's very strong, that is a great way to be and preferable, but it can intimidate a lot of men. I am kind of that way myself. I am softer with men, too, but the strength comes out in different ways and for example one of my loves said it bothered him that I didn't really need him. Well, I'd been kind of independent my whole life and loved being that way, so i was just sorry he wasn't strong enough to accept a strong woman.


We are in a time in history when women have only had the choice whether to become independent from men for about 50 years due to birth control. Before that, there wasn't much choice but to try to marry and take the wife/mother role. Your friend has embraced all the great things that come from having the right and ability to be who she wants to be. That, of course, doesn't mean her life will be problem-free. Everyone has obstacles. All kinds of women can have problems making a good match. Being with someone longterm generally means a lot of compromise. A person with a clear vision of who they want to be and what paths they want to take is less likely to compromise in order to be with someone. Of course, they could always get lucky and find someone on a similar path, but it won't happen for everyone.

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I love dolls, doll houses, MLP, Hello Kitty, anything pink or sparkly, high heel shoes, dresses, making cupcakes...and gory horror plus serial killers fascinate me.

She's normal.

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