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Suburbia desolation

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I'm stuck in suburbia, specifically Silicon Valley, and there appears to be zero single women here. I see couples everywhere in public but rarely do I notice women who appear single, and when I do they certainly don't want to talk to me nor even check me out. It's very disheartening. Where do women go to meet men? I once heard that women prefer men who have good jobs and are fit and attractive. Seems like an urban myth, because I'm all these things but the women are nowhere. On the occasion when I do notice a woman who doesn't have a ring on, she looks so asexual and inert...like robots. It's just sad.

Edited by landeau
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normal person

I've heard that's sort of the case in Silicon Valley: tons of men and no girls. If I were you I'd try online dating. And/or moving to San Francisco or San Jose. Suburban life is more for people who are already settled down. Maybe there's a local who can chime in, I'm not too familiar with the area.

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