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Jealous of boyfriends ex-wife

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Because I think he still loves her. He says things like I'm the love of his life and how he wants to be with me the remainder of his life, and that I'll make the next 40 years better than the last 40 years. But I still have this feeling that if she were to come a knocking he would dump me like a hot potato and take her back instantly.


She left him for his adult son, her step-son who was 11 years old when they met. They're marrying in October. She's 28, he's 20, and my boyfriend is 42 and I'm 40. He married her after two weeks they were together 8 years and have 2 small children (7 and 4).


I've never been with a divorced guy, and am naturally a jealous person. My ex husband was a virgin and I would still get jealous thinking he liked my best friend more. After all she was the one who introduced us.


I've brought this up to him, and he said it's over he would never take her back, and that his concern is for his kids alone. But honestly love doesn't die really. He also told me he used to buy her flowers every week. He hasn't bought me flowers once, we've been dating 3 months. He then said at the time he was trying to save his marriage.


I just don't know what to think. He's very flattering, but actions speak louder than words they say. And his actions don't seem to match his words.


When we were in a tough spot he called his ex wife, not a friend.

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A situation in which your BF's ex is now his daughter in law would be tough for a nonjealous person to deal with. There's not enough tea in China to get me to take that on.


You realize she's always going to be connected to him, right? He's the father of the younger children as well as her father in law!



No, I'd have to run.

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Judging by your last experience, I'd say your jealousy is more of a problem than your husband.

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I'm picturing daughter in law running to FIL when she has sexual problems with twenty year old, who happens to be FIL's son. He's already proven that he'll run to her when he has problems with you.


Throw some new kids into the picture - his grandkids by his son and his ex.



See where this is going? :sick:

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It wasn't a problem with me, we lost our car keys at the amusement park and he called her. She loaned us her car, it was a rainy day, and we couldn't find the keys despite re-tracking our steps. The park people did find them after we left in her car, she was at work so we dropped her car off there and went home. However couldn't he have called a friend to pick us up? Why the ex wife?


And really I don't see the marriage lasting between the son and her, but marriage doesn't have to last to have kids.


Well ever heard of Jerry Springer, he spilled this on the first date, I almost did run. But I decided to give him a chance. He's a good person just with a whacked situation.

Edited by Kristine
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It wasn't a problem with me, we lost our car keys at the amusement park and he called her. She loaned us her car, it was a rainy day, and we couldn't find the keys despite re-tracking our steps. The park people did find them after we left in her car, she was at work so we dropped her car off there and went home. However couldn't he have called a friend to pick us up? Why the ex wife?


And really I don't see the marriage lasting between the son and her, but marriage doesn't have to last to have kids.




Exactly. He could have called someone else.



Why do you think the marriage won't last? Just curious (between you and me, I'd be thrilled to know that if I were you. Seriously, a twenty year old? )

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Because the son is 20, and he'll wake up one day saying what the hell did I get myself into. It won't be her that leaves, it'll be him.

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Because the son is 20, and he'll wake up one day saying what the hell did I get myself into. It won't be her that leaves, it'll be him.




Yep. My husband's niece is 34, and married a 20 year old last January. She has a 4 and a 6 year old. I saw a pic of the kids with him, and they could have all been her sons, LOL!



It all looks very pedophilic.

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Oh boy, this is a messy situation. It has Woody Allen written all over it. Run. Easy for me to say, but from an objective position all I can say is run.

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