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how to handle being cheated on?

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guys, if you find out your girl has cheated on you how do you not beat the dude's ass??


i mean it's hard for me not to go to the guys work and just beat the hell out of him but i always think "nah jail time"


how do you guys handle it?


or did you beat the guy up?

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Now, why would you beat the guy up? He didn't force your gf to be intimate with him. If you should be upset with anyone, it should be your gf. I wouldn't go hitting anyone though...let them be together. Because if she cheated with him, she is certainly capable of cheating on him.

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Because it's immoral? He may not even have known she's in a RS. Yes some girls/guys are so sly not to tell. But even if, the cheater bears the bulk of the burden.

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guys, if you find out your girl has cheated on you how do you not beat the dude's ass??


i mean it's hard for me not to go to the guys work and just beat the hell out of him but i always think "nah jail time"


how do you guys handle it?


or did you beat the guy up?


Yes, you could go to jail and its not worth it.


You've lost nothing, he gained nothing. The best way to get back at her? Get a better woman and be happy.

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What you're having is a very natural, albeit irrational reaction.


To this day I still have to remind myself that the girl(s) in my situation had no idea I even existed. Even the fantasy of dragging some girl down the street by her hair is sometimes very prevalent in my mind, I'm much too rational to entertain the thought beyond a fleeting moment of insanity.


How do you stop this? Either forgive your cheating girlfriend or move on. Actually, either way, accept the fact that your partner's cheating had nothing to do with him and everything to do with her. Whether HE knew she was taken or not, he is virtually meaningless in the grand scheme of things. He was merely the vehicle she used to drive her poor choices. At the end of the day, SHE was still sitting behind the wheel, setting everything in motion. If you're going to be angry with someone, be angry with her.

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Because reality goes far beyond "OH NO, a guy somehow managed to force my girl to have sex with him!"

Get rid of the girlfriend, they get together and then just wait for both of them to screw up/cheat on each other. You'll be all like "Boy, I'm so GLAD I'm out of that mess" in no time.

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When I was cheated on I never wanting to go after the girl until I found out that she knew I existed! But if she was kept in the dark, I wouldn't be angry at her.


It takes two to tango!

The side lover also needs to take blame!

Now to go to jail? No.

I've almost been arrested twice because I let my anger take over.

But, I did made sure to make though girls suffered and maybe regret being with a taken man.

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cos she said she wanted to be alone so i posted on the break up forum and some ppl said theres someone else . for a while i refused to admit it the i started putting all the little things together gavered my evidense showed my closest friends and then some info came into my hands which proved it , i rung her told here i know the real reason never mentioned cheating or the other persons name , she rang a mutural friend who knew us as singles and as a couple and said " he thinks i was cheating on him with *******"


this person rung me and when i offered to show the info said no , everybody else was shocked , but i was right

what did i do i packed every single thing gifts memories , notes everything that connected us into a bag wrote a letter saying that i knew and how i knew and dropped it off at her house , the last line said "im finished with you now you can go "


blocked her number and other members of her family and shut the door


i know who the other guy is , i have never spoken to him since the day i suspected , they will crach and burn because i know shes lied to her family etc about him , and a good liar has to have a good memory


now to heal up and move on

i felt better

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guys, if you find out your girl has cheated on you how do you not beat the dude's ass??


i mean it's hard for me not to go to the guys work and just beat the hell out of him but i always think "nah jail time"


how do you guys handle it?


or did you beat the guy up?


I don't know how old you are but kicking his ass isn't the answer.


Look. There isn't one guy walking the face of the earth whose going to get to first base with any woman unless she wants him to. Then we have second base, third and home plate.


This guy took what was given to him. Was she right to do that? for the most part no but the question is this.


Did he know that she was in a relationship you? You haven't said if you know the guy or if he knew about you.


Your problem isn't with him, it her. She cheated on you. She's was your girlfriend and she knew what she was doing so before you decide to lock horns with this guy remember that he can't give back what she gave him and your going to look like a complete ass fighting some guy over a girl who isn't worth fighting for. No to mention either going to jail for nailing the guy or maybe he soundly whips your ass and the end result is the same. She cheated and you can't change that so dump her and move on.

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guys, if you find out your girl has cheated on you how do you not beat the dude's ass??


i mean it's hard for me not to go to the guys work and just beat the hell out of him but i always think "nah jail time"


how do you guys handle it?


or did you beat the guy up?





BINGO! No girl is worth going to jail over. And besides, someone already said this, it takes two to tango. Your girl made the choice to sleep with this guy. This guy didn't make any promises to you, your girl did.



She promised to be YOUR girlfriend. Your girlfriend promised to be exclusive to you. Your girlfriend promised to be in a loving and caring relationship with you. SHE'S the one that broke the promises. Not this asshat she slept with.



But, don't worry. I truly believe in karma and he's going to get his in time. Because Karma came to my aid. My girlfriend cheated on me and dumped me for the guy she was cheating on me with. She said she was going to go with a guy that had a future.



Karma bit him in the ass! He was going to University and working towards a future. But, the douche rocket had to drop out because he got my Ex pregnant and he needed to get a full time job.




Edited by Chi townD
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Did your girl get raped? I don't think so.


I'll just say this:


-It was your girl who decided to let this dude go balls deep.

-It was your girl who decided to help this clown bust all kinds of nuts.

-It was your girl who let him insert his cock in and all around her mouth.


Beat dude up for what? So he can press charges and get you thrown in jail? While you are in jail crying, guess who's going to be ravaging her sweet, sugary insides? That's right my friend.


Also, what if dude beats your ass?


Step back like Homer in the bushes bro.

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I believe Johnsonracer has moved on to a new girlfriend, so he says in his last thread. He's now dealing with wisdom teeth.

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In my mind cheating doesn't have to be physical is in the actual act of sex, it can be emotional mental physical

In my case , the person was round her house , she never told me but it slipped out , messages on phone , i never saw them but all of a sudden I pin was on her phone , and she told him she loved him while we where still together , and rather than tell me the truth , she said she wanted to be alone etc etc , she cheated on me simple as that , I'm still in pain and she caused it , I hope she suffers the pain and hurt I feel now , now she's been caught. I thought Oconee her , but I didn't but I gain some relief from the thought that she hurts cos I caught the lying cheater

But probably not

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A good reason not to kick the guys ass is that a girl like her would absolutely LOVE that. What an ego boost.

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