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Cheated on me because I can't cook

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If you learn how to cook, will he then be satisfied. No, no, no. Next it will be ironing. Then carpet shampooing. Who knows where it all will end.

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Then carpet shampooing. Who knows where it all will end.


:lmao: oh my god

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My self esteem has always been low as I had trouble connecting with others. There's nothing wrong with me and I've put myself in social situations. The only thing that holds me back from making friends I'm missing that vital "click" when you become friends with someone. But when I'm with my boyfriend it's like I don't need anyone else, just him. We really connected and that's the main reason why I can't break up with him. He is the type of man who expects me too cook and clean for him. Otherwise he doesn't care about whether I have a job or not. To be honest I hated going to university. I thought I would make close friends but it didn't happen. Just friends who you work in assignments with.


I also realized I had picked the wrong course. Business which involved a lot of presentations which I had trouble with. I'm not smart and I lacked motivation in studying so I didn't do well in university. My boyfriend encouraged me to finish my studies but I hated it. Both of us didn't want a long distance relationship so when he asked me to move in with him I was happy to do it.


All this says to me is that you're as immature as he is; nothing about it exonerates his behaviour, or changes the fact that staying with him is a terribly stupid idea.


Honestly, not cooking is the least of your worries right now. You need to woman up and either get a degree or a job, if you don't want to turn into one of the women who hang on to a cheating, abusive partner because they have no other choice. When he leaves, or you finally have enough, what do you think is going to happen to you, if you have no degree and no job experience?


Newsflash: Not every single aspect of university (or life!) is going to be enjoyable. There were parts of it that most of us disliked. We still shaped up and did the crappy presentations and coursework because we had to. Sometimes we went to class even though we didn't feel like it. And if you think you're in the wrong field, you're not going to change any of that by hanging on to this guy and cooking and cleaning.

Edited by Elswyth
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Did you come with a bill of sale?


A million things I could say but no point since this guy is worth far more then your sense of self. So... This is how you keep him. Become the perfect stepford wife for him. Do everything he wants and don't question anything...

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serial muse
I'm going to do all those things so he won't be able to use this as an excuse and if he does it again then I'll know its because he wants to sleep with other girls. That will be our relationship over because it's not something I can accept even if I want to.

I decided to move on but the real reason I'm here is because I feel like he hasn't been punished enough. I don't have any fear of him cheating again since he's the type of person who doesn't repeat a mistake. But I feel like he should suffer as much as I did.


Well, there's one way you could have your cake and eat it too, so to speak. Or pie, rather.

. Tell him it's got that good vanilla from Mexico.
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I Do Believe It Is Essential That A Woman Knows How To Cook For Her Man, As He Should Know How To Cook For His Woman But More On Her Part. Something For You To Work On ? Although It Doesn't Excuse His Behavior Towards You Though You Should Part Ways Nothing Good Can Come From This 'Relationship'



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I don't have any fear of him cheating again since he's the type of person who doesn't repeat a mistake. But I feel like he should suffer as much as I did.


1. What he did wasn't a mistake. He told you he intentionally did it to hurt you.

2. He does not love you otherwise he wouldn't intentionally hurt you.

3. I guarantee he will do it again.

4. You need to get some self-esteem and realize you are better than what you are settling for.


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