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Would you rather be described by a date as: wholesome, colorful, or mysterious?

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Out of those three adjectives (wholesome, colorful, or mysterious) which would be most flattering to be called? Which would make you feel the best? Which, if any, would be a turnoff?

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It depends on his tone while saying it. If he said I am wholesome in a passionate tone, then I'd prefer that. If he said that Im colorful in a bored tone, well. :p

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colourful and I'm certainly not mysterious, but yeah it very depends on the tone.

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It depends on what he means by it.


Wholesome could mean sweet or boring.


Colorful could mean unique or weird.


Mysterious could mean intriguing or hard to get to know.

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I'd like to be called "colorfully wholesome and mysterious", or "wholesomely colorful and mysterious", or even "mysteriously colorful and wholesome". :p


Or she can just call me "sexy".

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I think it'll be a compliment if someone said I was mysterious!


Wholesome seems boring and colourful seems to imply a drama-kind of person.

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Mysterious is probably the "highest compliment" of the three. But personally, I'd be more flattered to be told I'm colorful. Wholesome sounds awful.

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I would like to be described as colorful since that's like saying you're not only decent but fun to be around with and there is a lot about you to know about.


Wholesome reminds me of the times when my then bf would keep calling me a Mrs. Goody-Two Shoes...omg why did I put up with being called that!!!!!


Mysterious..umm I think I've been called eccentric before but I'm really predictable most of the times so don't think so.

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My friends think I'm colourful, my child's teachers and likes think I'm wholesome, my lovers, bfs and partners call me mysterious...


An ex-boyfriend described me as wholesome once; that's when I knew he was losing attraction for me :p

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Mysterious. . which I believe I am to most people and have been told from time to time.

I am even mysterious to myself in some aspects.

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I'd say wholesome. I like the idea that I'm "whole" and very girl next door. I'm feisty so "colorful" works too. Mysterious has connotations of being unknown or having hidden parts. I'm not into that version of myself. But I was when I was younger! Many men said that about me. They loved the challenge. Meh. Those kinds of men no longer interest me.


I think down to earth men are awesome. Maybe that's the male version of wholesome.

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