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I am full of jealous!

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My boyfriend is talking to this girl at our job. I have try in the past to be friends with her, but she never opened up, but with my boyfriend she is an open BOOK!


She has told him... She's lonely, and thinks about killing herself every single day. My boyfriend believes it's his job to save her...


She's slutty. My boyfriend know many of the guys at our job, and she has slept with most of them. She's pretty & very out-going, loud & ghetto. Why she has a job? I do not know.


I know I should trust him, but I can't.


I do not see it as his job to be her hero. If she going to kill herself... Him alone will not save her.... I know he is crushing on her.


They txt every single day, and talk on the phone for hours. (I check his phone logs. I know his password to his phone. He has given it to me) He doesn't bothered to deleted it because he doesn't see it as a problem... :[


I told him I am not comfortable but he simply does not care. :(

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Speaking on the phone to this girl for hours and texting every day is an issue - you have reason to feel uncomfortable about it.


You have voiced your concerns, and he has completely disregarded them. This is a huge worry.


He doesn't care enough about you to keep communication with this girl to a reasonable level. He doesn't respect your feelings, or the relationship. He is basically spitting in your face.


I strongly suggest ending it now, cutting all contact, and moving on. Find someone that loves and respects you - this guy doesn't value his relationship with you at all. Leave now and cut your losses, before it ends up damaging you even more.

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If he doesn't care you leave go no contact.


Everything said above is true.


If he won't respect you leave, if you want a slight chance of him to respect you, and start caring you still have to leave.

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Speaking on the phone to this girl for hours and texting every day is an issue - you have reason to feel uncomfortable about it.


You have voiced your concerns, and he has completely disregarded them. This is a huge worry.


He doesn't care enough about you to keep communication with this girl to a reasonable level. He doesn't respect your feelings, or the relationship. He is basically spitting in your face.


I strongly suggest ending it now, cutting all contact, and moving on. Find someone that loves and respects you - this guy doesn't value his relationship with you at all. Leave now and cut your losses, before it ends up damaging you even more.


Yes, it doesn't seem to get better honestly.

He swears up and down there are friends.

But he did say if he was single he would try! But wouldn't leave me for a GIRL he just met. Ugh......... Blah.

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I think your BF's relationship with this girl is inappropriate, even if he doesn't think he's doing anything wrong. He might not have a physical affair with this girl yet, but she is reeling him in. A lot of guys, myself included, have fallen for the damsel in distress routine. She is playing him like a flute.


I think you need to come out and tell him that you are uncomfortable with his relationship with this girl, and that if he continues it with her, you will have to move on.



What if I ask her? Would make everything worse?

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Your BF sounds like a really kind individual. This girl may be playing him & reeling him in, as you say but in this post you come across as mean & judgmental. I am assuming you are not those things but you are defensive because you see her as an adversary & a threat.


Since you are so uncomfortable with their interactions, your BF should be more sympathetic to your concerns. He does appear to be spending too much time talking to her. Have you tried to arrange things for the 3 of you? Have you tried helping her find a BF of her own so she will leave your guy alone?


If he won't cut down the time he spends with her or include you more, perhaps you need to find a guy who is more inclined to give you the attention you crave.

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Report that she's suicidal to management and let them handle it. Don't even tell them about your boyfriend. Just say she's told people at work that and see if they'll at least talk to her.

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Well, you need to tell him you or her. If he thinks you're being unfair, then he's emotionally invested in this girl. Meaning, that he's not willing to give her up. Thus, he's putting more of a value on this "friendship" over your relationship. There's no room for three in a relationship.



So, if he wants her, he can have her. There are plenty of guys out there that WILL dedicate themselves to an exclusive relationship.

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Your BF sounds like a really kind individual. This girl may be playing him & reeling him in, as you say but in this post you come across as mean & judgmental. I am assuming you are not those things but you are defensive because you see her as an adversary & a threat.


Since you are so uncomfortable with their interactions, your BF should be more sympathetic to your concerns. He does appear to be spending too much time talking to her. Have you tried to arrange things for the 3 of you? Have you tried helping her find a BF of her own so she will leave your guy alone?


If he won't cut down the time he spends with her or include you more, perhaps you need to find a guy who is more inclined to give you the attention you crave.


She is slutty. If you saw her Facebook & twitter and instagram. She half ass naked. Tons of pics of men grabbing her big ass. Tons of pics of her tonguing down girls. If she doesn't want to give that vibe... Why behave in such a manner?

How can I help her find her own? When I try speaking with her and she been cold ass ice. The moment my boyfriend says hello "I wanna die"


Why would you tell a man you barely know you want to go killed yourself and thought you was ugly if you fishing for compliments.

She's attention seeker whore!!!

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Fine she's a bad person. How does that change what you do next?


Your BF wants to talk to her. You have expressed the idea that you don't like that. Your BF is ignoring your feelings on the subject?


The next move is yours. Personally I'd get a new job & a new BF. I'd also stop following this girl on social media.

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