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What to do now?

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There's this girl at my college. I've known her for about 3 months, we're quite friendly towards each other. We have loads in common and I think it could really go somewhere.


I know she doesn't have a boyfriend, but i'm reluctant to ask her out as she is on the same course as me and in all my classes. If she turns me down it will always be awkward between us and I don't want to ruin our friendship.


What shall I do?

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I think she is interested, we talk for ages and have been out shopping together. We have loads in common and feel comfortable around each other. But I can't be sure if she wants to be friends with me or more.


What do you think should be my next move?

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if you like her, and you enjoy her company, just keep hanging out with her. as far as going "out" with her, don't necessarily make it a ritual. just hang out. move slowly forward and the next thing you know, you'll be a couple. good luck

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