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Ignore them both. Block if you must.


I take it you went to see him to talk the first time?


No, you are wrong.

Edited by sweet_pea
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Oh my......so his OW has concerns her wonderful new man she took from you is now cheating on her? And she thinks it's with you? HAHAHAHAHAHA


Sorry, I will stop laughing now. He must be giving her some signs that he's cheating.....again. I personally would stay well away from him, it's obvious what he's after. Where was all this needing to talk when it was actually needed, like BEFORE he had an A? Pfft. He may have had someone check up on you, as your single, he knows that. What a creep.


As for OW texting, I would be so damn tempted to text back and say YES... wind her up a bit (or a lot! :laugh:)But that's me lol. I probably wouldn't send it in the end, though. Maybe the best thing is to leave her to stew with her own thoughts, she knows he's a cheater. Your silence to her must be deafening :rolleyes:

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I received a text from xOW asking if my ex and I are seeing each other behind her back aka having an affair.
She has a lot of nerve to be asking you this. Just to mess with her mind I would text her "Karma is a bitch" and then block her.
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SO, today I received a text from xOW asking if my ex and I are seeing each other behind her back aka having an affair. The answer is a huge HECK NO. I haven't responded to her however, because my ex HAS reached out to me a few times last week seeing if I would go out with him/see him again to "talk."

This is priceless.


I'd say to her what all the OW coach each other to say when the BS contacts them looking for information. I'd simply reply, "you need to talk to your boyfriend about that - not me."


Seriously, show her the exact SAME respect she showed YOU when she was sleazing around with your husband. You don't owe her squat.

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Oh so many opportunities here... :eek:

What do you mean?

I think maybe so many opportunities to mess with your former husband and his mistress... which (though tempting) you should avoid. Their toxic personalities, disfunctional relationship and their drama are a deep, dark vortex you do not want to be drawn into.

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