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Woman are going crazy

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There have been hot girl mugshots all over the internet for many years. Just google "mugshots hot girl."


This proves that people like to look at attractive people. No surprise there.


What's interesting about the guy in the mugshot posted is that he seriously could have modeled, but he chose to be criminal instead. What a shame.

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Do not confuse lust with love


Word - there are jaw-droppingly sexy women in the world I wouldn't touch with a 1000 yard pole because of who they are - then again they are still dead-drop gorgeous!

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Criminal psychologists have written books about that phenomena. These are very messed up women who are unable to have real relationships. It's much easier for them to date a guy who is locked up. Just like there are many people on the internet who email and email and never want to meet. They're sick.

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He's attractive in both pics. He just looks ridiculous with the gold teeth. The 2nd pic proves he has straight teeth.


It's rare to see men this genetically blessed ever, so to see him in a mugshot is what intrigues people.

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Those look like temporary plates of gold that can be removed if he wanted. He's incredibly goodlooking.:o:love:

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The tats are a huge turn off for me. The tear drop -- which usually means the guy has murdered someone -- makes me very afraid of this guy. Anybody who thinks somebody with that particular tattoo is more attractive, needs their head & their conscious examined.

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Women can be so comical. If anyone one of you saw that second comparison photo first, and the mug shot didn't exist, you wouldn't have given the guy a second glance and he wouldn't have even been a subject of discussion.


The same goes for Norman Reedus on Walking Dead. If he was just a regular guy walking down the street and he wasn't famous from the show, none of these women would be "going crazy". Just like sheep in a herd.

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This whole thing is incredibly annoying to me. Here we have a good looking guy with features widely recognized the world over as being almost universally attractive (chiseled jaw, clear skin, sharp, piercing, bright eyes, etc) yet somehow people want to pretend as if yep, this proves women just love them some psycho ass bad boys :rolleyes:.


These women are not "going crazy" for him because he's a convict, they're doing so because he's a good looking fellow. Simple as that. There are hundreds of 'hot chick' mugshots posted monthly on the net....yet I don't see women crying about how men only love crazy bad girls.


I mean seriously, he could have modeled and done quite well for himself.

Edited by Lernaean_Hydra
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He's a very good looking guy. This is basically a man version of the hot girl mugshots we used to do.


If someone is hot, believe that lots of people will like them, regardless. Don't make a song and dance about it :laugh:.

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So now posting comments on Facebook = being in love with and dating felons. Good to know, thanks.

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This whole thing is incredibly annoying to me. Here we have a good looking guy with features widely recognized the world over as being almost universally attractive (chiseled jaw, clear skin, sharp, piercing, bright eyes, etc) yet somehow people want to pretend as if yep, this proves women just love them some psycho ass bad boys :rolleyes:.


These women are not "going crazy" for him because he's a convict, they're doing so because he's a good looking fellow. Simple as that. There are hundreds of 'hot chick' mugshots posted monthly on the net....yet I don't see women crying about how men only love crazy bad girls.


I mean seriously, he could have modeled and done quite well for himself.


I agree it just proves that women are every bit as visual and swayed by looks as men are

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i wouldnt go fro that guy in the least he has cold ice eyes that dont care.....theres a bit of violence there........deb

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Charles Manson still has followers and he looks like someone's crazy drunken methed out uncle...people do all kinds of crazy stuff.

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But, but, but if only I could get with him, I can fix him! I KNOW it! Please, just give me a chance!

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The tats are a huge turn off for me. The tear drop -- which usually means the guy has murdered someone -- makes me very afraid of this guy. Anybody who thinks somebody with that particular tattoo is more attractive, needs their head & their conscious examined.




Really? Murder? I didn't know this...is it mockery for the victims or something?

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But, but, but if only I could get with him, I can fix him! I KNOW it! Please, just give me a chance!




pullls miss usa back noooooooooo not for you not good enough..... deb kicks his ass outta your eye view..........smilin

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Hmmm.... wasn't there a thread on here a while back about how "hot" Amanda Knox was?




Pot. Kettle.

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