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another does size matter


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I am divorced and started seeing this guy it started as friends but became deeper and everything was fine, but he is a very small man and we were messing around and I noticed that his penis is very small , I really hate that I am saying this but my ex was not huge but much bigger and I am wondering if he could ever really satisfy me ,I know he could in other ways but that certain way is very important to me should I end it now , I feel so shallow.

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I guess it matters to you...and I don't say that sarcastically. I mean, it obviously matters to you, or else you wouldn't have posted this. I don't like certain features on women, and those features alone turn me off to a woman.


But, I do try to look at the person as a whole.


Do YOU think that the rest of this guy is worth overlooking his penis size? That's the question, and the answer could very likely be no. I wouldn't think that was shallow if you thought that. Relationships DO have a sexual component to them.

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Sexually speaking, yes, size does matter. I was with a man once who was actually very well built and muscular, but when it came time for intimacy, he was reluctant to take his shorts off. I thought is was odd, but I am normally a very open and accepting person. when we got to the bedroom, the shorts came off and I realized why he had been so shy. But I thought, it doesn't matter that much.


The thing is, it was not very satisfying at all. I am very small, too, very petite and so small that I can't wear a diaphragm because my passage is too shallow (according to two gynecologists). I tried to rationalize that he was a nice person, but if you are a sexual person, sex is an esential component of a relationship. I felt shallow, too, but after further consideration I realized something.


For some women, sex isn't much of an issue, either becuase they dislike it, or it's uncomfortable, or they have problems coming to orgasm. For others, it's a big deal. With me, it helps establish intimacy, helps me feel closer to my partner, helps us to reconnect when we've had a disagreement, it's a release valve (so to speak, ha ha). So I realized that without sexual satisfaction, I wouldn't have a satisfying relationship, and I didn't want to rpevent htis man from finding someone who would be truely happy with him.


We tried many different positions, and I couldn't feel a thing. So...if you really care for him, it doesn't matter, but if you are a sexual person then this may not be a great idea. You don't want to be in an unfulfilled relationship a few years down the line.

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Sex matters to alot of women. There's nothing wrong with that. But the only way that you're gonna find out if he can satisfy you with what he's got is by actually having sex. After one time, you'll be able to find out and go from there. If there's nothing there (sexually) then you need to tell him it isn't gonna work. Or you can stay with him and be unsatisfied for the time you're together. It's up to you, but don't feel too bad about it. What would he do? I don't think a guy would stay with a woman if he wasn't sexually satisfied. Good luck!

I am divorced and started seeing this guy it started as friends but became deeper and everything was fine, but he is a very small man and we were messing around and I noticed that his penis is very small , I really hate that I am saying this but my ex was not huge but much bigger and I am wondering if he could ever really satisfy me ,I know he could in other ways but that certain way is very important to me should I end it now , I feel so shallow.
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One of my friends has a smaller-than-average penis, he's not afraid to admit it. But he says it's not what he's got, it's what he can do with it.


He's slept with many girls in the past, and some of them have told me that he's provided some of the MOST satisfying sexual experiences they've ever had. I've been with him a few times when he's gotten calls or messages from girls just asking for him to come over and have sex with them. Crazy isn't it? I've heard he's really good at what he does. He's skilled with his hands and tongue as well as with various positions that compensate for his smaller size.


So it depends on the person. Some may be more satisfying if they know how to provide you pleasure. I guess you'll never know unless you try it out.

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