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Was he flirting with me or my friend?

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How do I tell if a guy was flirting with me or one of my friends. The other night 3 friends and I went to a bar, and a guy came to us. He was talking to all of us, but my one friend was completely dominating the conversation.

But I would notice when she was talking he would randomly turn around and look at me, and we would hold eye contact for a couple seconds. Then one of my friends would notice, and I would look away.


Then he touched me twice during the conversation. At one point he asked where we were all from, and he touched my shoulder when asking me. He said "so Steph where are you from?" And touched my shoulder while asking this. He did something that twice.


After he left my friends were like OMG he was so flirting with my friend Sarah (the one dominating the conversation) and I guess it doesn't really matter because none of us got his number, but they kept talking about it because he was super cute and bought us all a round of drinks. But I just kind of felt he was flirting with me. Am I being delusional?

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Eternal Sunshine
Sounds like he was flirting with both of you in hopes that one of you would be responsive.


Yep. I have been in situations like these where the guy was hoping any of us would bite. Was kinda irrelevant which one.

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